Saturday, January 21, 2012

The flood of 2012!

Oregon has always been notorious for the rain, but so much that it floods the entire city? Corvallis didn't have it nearly has bad as Albany or Salem but it was still pretty crazy. I posted up a bunch of pictures of different places in Corvallis

This picture shows the Crystal Lake Sport park... or what use to be the sports park. It is now fulfilling it's name as a "lake." Where all that water is, use to be a parking lot. and there was another path you could follow to get to the open grass field. These first pictures were taken at about 10am on Friday, January 20. I later went by there again that same day at 2pm and the water had gotten higher!

The good news is, the water level is finally going back down so sooner or later we will have our sports field (and off lease dog park during the off season) back! Which is good because I was a little concerned about all of this happening right across the street from me. I did some driving and took pictures of other places as well:

This is a picture of me standing on Lily street looking at 3rd. This part of 3rd street was closed off for quite some time due to the Mill Race flooding, but was later opened up on Friday.

This was taken by the skate along the water front. The river was up so high that the water flowed over the bike path!

I hope mother nature is done pouring the buckets of water on top of us. I will take the rain over flooding anyway! Stay dry everyone

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