Monday, July 24, 2017

16 months (and lots of pictures)

Not much going on lately. These girls are getting faster at crawling and still no interest in walking. Although Tayla can at least stand unassisted on her own for a couple of seconds!! I know I sound like that crazy mom wanting my kids walk but these guys are almost a year and a half and they are still behind developmentally in gross motor skills. I bought them a walker to help with the transition and they seem to like it. So far their doctor isn't concerned about them not walking until fall before he wants to refer them to a specialists.

We have a big trip coming up next week: our annual trip to wallowa lake! Although last year we didn't go, so this year will be the girls first trip going! It will be our second time traveling to eastern Oregon with the girls and last time we had to stop lots of times and it took forever to get there! Hoping this time it will go a little better considering Wallowa lake is even further away. Wish us luck!

I of course will be taking lots of pictures during the trip. Be ready for an update.

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