Saturday, November 28, 2015

19 weeks and Thanksgiving celebrations

Well this week has just flown by! Maybe the short work week had something to do with it. Well I've been feeling pretty energized this week and my headaches are gone!! The extra iron supplements must be helping, as well as my routine visits to the chiropractor. I feel huge but know that I still have a long ways to go. My only issues I've been having now is suffering from horrible allergies! Itchy noses and eyes as well as SNEEZING! I feel like I get into these horrible sneezing fits when I wake up in the morning, and yes I've tried different allergy pills. Being pregnant just means your are more prone to allergens. My current allergies are grass, cats and dust mites. And since it's not grass season and I don't have a cat I'm going to assume it's the dust mites bothering me. We live in an old apartment so who knows how old the carpets are and how well the walls are insulated. I have allergen covers on my bed and pillows and try to vacuum as often as possible. I will admit I'm starting to have some allergy relief from using my oil mix of peppermint, lavender, and lemon. People have suggested a nasal spray but the only thing I have on my approved list of medications from my doctor is a saline nasal spray which does nothing. But I'm going to call my doctor and ask.

Tyrel and I celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday with this Granny, aunt and uncle. Both his parents and my parents are out of town. After being stuffed we made our way down to Corvallis to visit some friends of mine I haven't seen in a long time. They are like a second family to me, and it felt nice being welcomed like part of the family. Back when my best friend Michael was alive I went over to their house all the time. I definitively miss it.

My homemade apple pie with way too much crust on top lol

Pumpkin pie. Store bought ;)

All ready for Thanksgiving at Granny's

He always carries around a fork whenever there is a food out

Finally a nice one!

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 1 pound gained
Maternity clothes? Yes but still able to wear regular pants
Best moment this week: Spending time with family
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night without needing to pee
Movement: Some flutters once in a while
Food cravings: Nothing specific. Still wanting to drink a lot of milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah
Gender prediction: A boy and girl. Other people have guessed that too
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Hungry! lol 
Looking forward to:  Putting up Christmas decorations!!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

18 weeks and possible future house!

Been feeling good this week, other then the headaches! I wanted to increase my iron supplements because I've feeling very tired and the headaches are really getting to me. It's like a pounding headache. Think of someone hammering the inside of your head. I had iron issues before becoming pregnant and my vitamins I take have iron in them but I feel like my body needed more especially with carrying two of them. Well I asked my doctor and she said that would be fine and it wont harm the babies. She also suggested putting an ice pack on my neck for headache relief so I tried that Thursday night and it actually worked! Going to definitely be trying that from now on!

I had an appointment with my OB on Thursday. It mostly involved talking about seeing the specialist and to ask about any pregnancy symptoms I'm having. I did get to listen to the heartbeats! There are definitely still two of them, because there are days I'm still in denial... LOL. One heartbeat was 128 bpm and the other was 150 bpm (any gender guesses??) and totally normal. She also did say that my uterus is measuring at 21 weeks, which could explain why I'm feeling bigger then I should. I'm still able to bend over and lift stuff, the only problems I've been having is tying the kiddos shoes at school. I can still do it but if I'm sitting I can't bend over as much as I use to because my belly is getting in the way so I usually have to have them sit on a chair or something and then lift their foot. I have to say it was comical trying to figure that one out as my co worker was chuckling at me but hey 2 minutes I got the kid's shoe tied

So going to try and make this sound uncomplicated as possible but we found a house we liked!

It's in Keizer 1550 sq feet, 3 bedroom has a garage, huge beautiful kitchen and extra space we could use as a family room! Pretty much this house is perfect for us, everything has been updated with brand new windows and paint job and really the only thing it needs is some yard work! Well we went to make an offer on the house but there were some finance issues. Apparently the neighbors behind this house decided to build a structure that crosses the house property line so because of that we can't get a loan! Well we have dealing with some legal stuff trying to figure out what the next step would be. It's been up there 26 years so we technically can't make them take it down, we were going to try and get the city involved and do an lot line adjustment and we would lose the 2 feet that the structure is on the property, and we figured since we really WANT this house and really NEED  to move out of our current house, it was worth all the hassle. Well we just heard from our Realtor and she said that there is now written permission from the owner saying he allowed the neighbors to build that structure on the property so now it's less of a liability which means we can hopefully get a loan now! So now my loan person has to go through like 15 pages of legal documents before he will give us a loan so now we are waiting again. So much waiting and it's killing us! But in the end it will be all worth it and hopefully be able to own this beautiful home soon!

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: None
Maternity clothes? Sometimes
Best moment this week: The free baby stuff people are offering to us! Thank you so much!
Miss Anything? Allergy relief! On my 3rd different pill and still no luck :(
Movement: Some here and there
Food cravings: Lots of milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Have you started to show yet: Yup
Gender prediction:  Still going with one boy and one girl
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still a little moody because of the headaches and my week didn't start out very good
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 17

Just when I thought I couldn't get a break from the middle of the night bathroom trips, I was able to catch a break this week. I've been sleeping the entire night without needing to get up to use the bathroom but the moment I do wake up I have to rush to the bathroom. It's been nice sleeping through the night and have been sleeping really well. The only issues I've been having is experiencing random hip pain on the outside of the leg. I wake up sometimes in the night feeling a sharp shooting pain so I will roll to my other side and then my leg gets all numb like it fell sleep. This sensation always goes away and then I fall back asleep. I'm going to ask my OB about it on my next appointment on Thursday.

Overall I've been feeling ok, expect for yesterday. On Fridays I'm usually by myself because we are low on kids, well for some reason it's starting to stress me out. I blame the hormones because when I woke up Friday morning I really didn't want to be at work. I was tired and hormonal. I had to deal with 4 separate potty accidents, one including the kid completely missing the toilet and had to clean up pee off the floor. Then a kid got a bad bloody nose that took awhile to stop bleeding, and the smell of the blood was making me gag for some reason. And to top it off the kids were being really naughty! I about lost my mind. I made sure to get lots of sleep last night and woke up feeling much better this morning!

How far along?  17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Lost another pound
Maternity clothes? Yes because they are comfortable but I can still wear my regular pants
Best moment this week: One the kiddos coloring a pictures for my babies and insisted that I tape it to my belly. She then kept telling me that one baby is a boy and the other is a girl
Miss Anything? Still alcohol! I could've really used a drink last night haha
Movement:  I feel slight fluttery movements but it's hard to tell if it's just gas haha
Food cravings: Salad with ranch please
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got bad heartburn one night and ended up puking don't know if it was anything I ate
Have you started to show yet: I like to think so  
Gender prediction:  Still saying one girl and one boy
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? in
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty moody this week
Looking forward to:  Our annual fall potluck at work. Bring on the delicious food!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

16 weeks!

I'm slowly started to feel pregnant. I feel like I woke up one night and my belly had grown a little. Yesterday at work I was feeling really bloated and the shirt I was wearing didn't fit me as well. I feel like I'm using the bathroom more often, especially at night. I've woken up every night, usually early hours in the morning to have to use the bathroom and then I can't go back to sleep! I usually toss and turn and maybe fall asleep for another hour before my alarm goes off for work. Other then the peeing thing, I've actually have been sleeping very good. And even though I'm not sleeping very long I'm still feeling energized at work. I'm thanking my amazing Doterra supplements I take on daily basis for that :) But then of course the moment I get home, eat dinner and sit on the couch I start dozing off and it's only 8pm.

My next OB appointment is Nov. 19th. I'm also seeing a specialist because I'm carrying twins which means I have an at risk pregnancy. The specialist is call a perinatologist or Maternal Fetal Medicine. So I have another appointment on Dec. 7th where they will do an ultra and hopefully I will be further enough along that I can find out the gender and then meet with the specialist. I will also be getting more ultra sounds so they can keep track of how the babies are growing to make sure they are growing at the same rate.

How far along?    16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Weigh the same
Maternity clothes? I can still wear my regular pants, can't wear certain shirts because they are too short now
Best moment this week:  Telling the kiddos at work that I had two babies in my belly
Miss Anything? Still alcohol
Movement: None yet
Food cravings:  Salad or any type of veggies with ranch
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still avoiding lunch meat
Have you started to show yet:  It's still hard to tell but I feel my tummy has gotten a little bigger
Gender prediction:  Still feeling one boy and one girl
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? In and still have my belly ring in
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still pretty happy, although I have my moments
Looking forward to: Relaxing this weekend

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