Friday, December 25, 2015

23 weeks!

*Babies are the size of a papaya (8 inches)
*The organs and bones are visible through the skin, until they start developing fat
* Babies are becoming more active and those flutters are becoming kicks!

(I took this picture with my new selfie stick)

It's been a nice relaxing week for me. I was given the week off from work even though I only requested Wednesday and Thursday off for vacation. But with it being Christmas break we are low on kids which means limited amount of kids. The cold I developed is coming to an end now all I have is the lingering cough which is normal with having asthma. I have been sleeping amazing lately and through the entire night. I was a little worried for a little bit because when I had my cold I had no appetite and wasn't eating very much but now that I'm feeling better my appetite has come back.

This year we spent Christmas in La Grande at my grandparents house. It's about a 6.5 hour drive and normally car rides don't bother me but this time riding in the car was really uncomfortable. My back has been bothering me which means all positions, except for laying down is uncomfortable. I had a pillow in the car that I had to keep shifting but even then it only last 10 minutes before I had to switch positions again. Every couple of hours we had to stop not only to use the bathroom but to get out and walk around. I feel I shouldn't be having these issues already considering I'm not that far along but I have to keep reminding myself that I am carrying twins so I'm bigger around then a person only carrying one baby.


Tyrel is not a fan of my selfie stick

Olivia was patiently waiting for everyone so she could open presents 

How far along?  23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't checked lately
Maternity clothes? All about the maternity shirts and so happy I got new ones for Christmas 
Best moment this week: Having some time off work
Miss Anything? I could do without the back pain
Movement: I started feeling more kicks at night
Food cravings: Nothing new
Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain smells, like eggs
Have you started to show yet: Yup :)
Gender prediction:  Girls!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy
Looking forward to: Going back to work and seeing the kiddos

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

22 weeks

Well I have developed my first cold of the season. I was expecting it too happen considering I work with kids and they are so good about sharing their germs with everybody. I've been using my oils and vitamin C like crazy. And at first when I woke up on Sunday I was feeling fine. It just felt like congestion, which is normal with pregnancy so I didn't think much of it. I started using flonase and it's been helping with the allergies a lot but when I woke up on Thursday, I legit felt like crap. Horrible head congestion and sinus headache and the awful hacking cough. Even Tyrel noticed I didn't look well. Just going to have to ride it out like I normally do and hope that it doesn't turn into something worse like it usually does.

I had another OB appointment on Tuesday. I'm measuring at 28 cm which is the equivalent of someone being at 28 weeks. It didn't surprise me really considering I am carrying twins but it's no wonder I feel so pregnant. Other then that life has been going pretty good. People have been generously giving us all sorts of baby clothes and baby stuff which we greatly appreciate. Still looking for a house since the last one fell through. We are super bummed about it but there is bound to be a house just for us out there!

How far along?  22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Weigh about the same
Maternity clothes? Maternity shirts seem to be the only shirts that fit me but can still wear regular pants
Best moment this week: listening to the babies' heartbeat  
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach
Movement: Not much I've noticed
Food cravings: Nothing new
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really but I have noticed that my gag reflex is really sensitive! 
Have you started to show yet: Yup :)
Gender prediction:  Girls!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody because I don't feel good 
Looking forward to:  Christmas with the family

Saturday, December 12, 2015

21 weeks and gender reveal!

This week I feel like has flown by. My sleep has been much better this week. I had a parent who was so sweet and bought me a body pillow because she could tell I was really tired. I never knew such a simple thing could be so helpful. I put it between my legs and under my belly a little bit and I'm not waking up as much to constantly switch sides. I've noticed that if I'm doing a lot of walking or on my feet a lot my feet start to hurt, as well as my back. Been told this is normal but nothing a good foot soak and some heat don't fix :)

On Monday I had my appointment with the perinatologist as well as an ultra sound. The ultra sound took 2 hours mostly because there were two of them and had to take lots of measurements. The lady had a really hard time taking measurements because they were moving like crazy! Twin A is located in the lower left head down measuring at 11 oz and a heart rate of 143 bpm and Twin B is located upper left feet first also 11 oz and a heart rate of 147 bpm. They are measuring right where they need to be and perfectly healthy. They couldn't find anything wrong in the ultrasound. And yes they are both girls! My mom came with me and captured these pictures of the doctors telling us the gender

Of course Ty is happy that they are both healthy babies but in back of this mind he really wanted a boy. Afterwards we met with the doctor who is specialized in at risk pregnancies. She seemed nice. Mentioned that the twins are not identical and that I had two separate eggs and that each baby is in it's own sack and has it's own placenta. This means that they most likely will grow the way they are suppose to and wont be able to take away the other twin's nutrients. The lady tried very hard to get a picture of both of them but they are too far spread out she just couldn't get a clear picture

After the appointment we raced to the party store to buy balloons for our gender reveal. We tried to do them outside but the lighting wasn't right because our appointment got out so late so we tried again inside in front of our Christmas tree

Next we just need to agree on a name. We had one girl's name picked out that we really liked but we can't seem to agree on the other one. But we have lots of time

How far along?  21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: From the the beginning of the pregnancy I lost 15 pounds and now I'm gaining weight back and it's a total of 2 pounds altogether
Maternity clothes?  Yes but not a must
Best moment this week: Finding out the genders and learning my babies are healthy
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my tummy!
Movement: Still just the occasional flutter movements but I have to really be paying attention
Food cravings: Any type of vegetables with ranch please!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet:   Yup
Gender prediction:  They are both girls!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In and still wearing my belly ring. Curious to know how long that will last
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy this week
Looking forward to: Getting a massage

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: A trip to the aquarium

We did something a little different this year. On Sunday went to something called Sea of Lights at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Not only did we get in to the aquarium for $2 and 2 cans of food but there was also Christmas lights! I wanted to share some pictures with you

Saturday, December 5, 2015

20 weeks! (Halfway)

I am exactly half way done with this pregnancy! This week has been interesting and it all has to do with not sleeping very well. I've always been the person who likes my sleep and when I don't get enough I get cranky. Well ever since becoming pregnant I've been suffering from really bad insomnia. I wake up in early hours on the night and then can't go back to sleep! So frustrating. I have melatonin to help aid sleep which usually works really well but not anymore. Could be that I'm just really frustrated with this whole house situation. Our loan was approved which is awesome but after putting money towards an inspector and the earnest money, the appraiser could come out and still tell us "no, having that structure on the property is too much of a liability." Or we could get someone who could care less. It's a 50/50 chance and right now we don't want to chance it. So next is a lot line line adjustment, which the application it's self could take 45 days as well as money to get everything done. The owner isn't willing to pay for it because he doesn't have any money which means the money has to come out of our pocket :( In the mean time we are looking for other houses to see what else is out there

Another thing I have been experiencing is all sorts of emotions, and I'm having a hard time controlling them! Just the other night Tyrel and I were having a conversation about being parents and I admitted to him that having two babies at once absolutely terrifies me and the next thing I know I was crying. Tyrel couldn't figure out why I was crying and neither did I. And then Ty was making me laugh so I was laughing and crying at the same time which then turned into a full blown panic attack. Ty was so supportive and just let laid with me, and held me while I cried it out and calmed down. Afterwards I felt better and was actually really embarrassed. It's really hard not having control over my emotions right now

How far along?    20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Weigh about the same
Maternity clothes? Lots of maternity shirts because my regular work shirts don't fit me. I can still wear my regular pants though! I think a lot of that has to do with that I bought them a little big and then I lost weight so now they are a little lose on me
Best moment this week: Seeing all the Christmas lights at work, including my classroom
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night
Movement:  Not really
Food cravings: Nothing special
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yup. I feel huge haha
Gender prediction: I'm feeling boys this week
Labor Signs:  No
Belly Button in or out? In and still have my belly ring in
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy with occasional moodiness
Looking forward to:  Finding out the genders on Monday!!!

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