Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween decorations


  1. Hi Brynna,

    Let me tell you first off, I've known you for a very long, long time. Let's say middle school. I used to hang out with you and our group in high school for a while too but I must say that after a while, hanging out with your was pretty painful. I thought our group was unique, as it wasn't the "popular" group and even any stereotype name couldn't be applied.

    Well just the other day I came across a friend of a friend who was friends with you on Facebook and I got curious to see what your life was like since high school, and god I hate to sound offensive because like middle and high school... well, you are still extremely sensitive about any kind of criticism thrown your way, so I will try to put everything in black and white.

    I read the majority of your blog... I was very excited for you actually reading the tittle of your blog. I imagined you had changed and for the better. However, after reading your blog and reminiscing what our friendship was like back in high school, I must say, you have not changed (aside from your physical aspect, but that's because of all the physical and mental drama you body has gone through. Oh and the inhaler too right?) That is clear from your blog.

    I am so disappointed reading your blog and exchanging a few conversations with people from high school who are still your "friends". I don't really want to take away from you, and I don't want to make personal attacks. I will however point out a few things that are going through my head after reading this blog.

    First off (remember constructive criticism so take a few breaths), YOU are not always the victim. You clearly are in the majority of the posts. You make everything about you. The spotlight has to be on you. I thought it was for the attention back in high school, but it wasn't, was it? No... you hate the attention and all the negative things people think about you.

    Although you clearly state several times on your facebook that no one has the right to judge you because they don't know you and blah blah blah. Yet you judge everyone right back and you are never wrong. You love the spotlight, hate the crowd and expect everybody to see things your way.

    Ok so back to the victim part. Perhaps you don't realize that most of the things you wrote on this blog about what happened to you while doing this, or that, is actually you pointing the finger at someone else for your mistakes and your distorted reality.

    Do you realize that you are a "klutz" by choice? I know you do because you did that in high school and you still are doing it today only now, it's become more of a self-victimizing manner in which you gain pity from people by making yourself as the one who is suffering. I.e. Pablo. Yes, he was a friend of yours and he was a great person and you basically took away from him by being so sad.... soooo soooo sad, because it affected you... by the sound of it more than his family, and by the sound of it, you still hurt and think about him and well his death is about you right? How dare I? yeah I dare because while a lot of people loved him they show it not by acting as victims but as family and friends who mourned him... after all HE was the victim.

    okay next topic. I really don't know how many people actually read your blog and well good for you if they do and come back for more. But once again, you love the spotlight... the car accident you had... the justification for all your physique problems do to 'health problems' and the oh so joyful, "It's ok, I will overcome it."

  2. Move on in life, instead of making excuses for being overweight and being in pain and all the other crap you write about, why don't you just suck up those excuses and... well like nike put's it.... Just do it. Yeah it will suck and it will hurt and yeah, your asthma... blah blah blah.

    You say you don't care what other people think of you but obviously that's not true because of your facebook bio. That and the fact that if you didn't care what other people thought you wouldn't complain about your problems and you wouldn't make excuses, justifying everything you do or more importantly, you don't do.

    If you didn't care you wouldn't be insecure but reading over your posts that's actually what it is. I mean you are still dating Ty, a step down from Adam, who was a step down from James. Did James say or do something to you so bad that you settled for less and less? I mean James wasn't exactly Prince Charming by any means but you were better off with him than Adam or Ty. All three who are retards. At least James joined the navy or something like that, last I heard of him. I wonder how he turned out. I think I'll look him up too but, you are the topic here anyway.

    I'll be frank with you Brynna. I know 10 year olds who take far better responsibilities for their life problems than you, a 26 year old adult.

    Do yourself a favor and start taking charge of your life. Stop making excuses, grow some thick skin and learn to take the blows life throws at you. Grow up and make something of yourself.

    I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Although I fear you'll just read part of this and make yourself the victim of a vicious personal attack. I hope instead you read this and realize your potential instead and embrace it even if it makes you cry, or sad, or angry.

    I hope that you read this say, "I know", accept who you are and use this as a reminder in the future that you can and will take control.

    Once again, good luck.

    ~once your good friend.

  3. What a joke. Man up FAKE BRYNNA!! Talk about immaturity,Brynna Lynn. Someone has a lot to say, but does not have the balls to leave their own name. Maybe they used your name because they are jealous of you! They want to be you!!

    First of all, Your blog is for you to post whatever you feel like talking about. And yes you talk about your weight, aches and pains.But you also talk about your family, your joys, your accomplishments. Isn't that what a blog is for? From Merriam-Webster: Definition of BLOG : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer;

    2. You were a VICTIM, of a drunk driver, and will probably always have neck pain, and back pain.

    3. Michael and you were very close, he was like a brother to you, and having lost a sibling in a car wreck 28 years ago, it is something you NEVER get over, NEVER forget! How dare this person, decide how much time you should mourn him. You are part of his family, and they miss him everyday, like you do, and I think they would be offended if you just moved on and forgot about him. They are still mourning him too. They go to his crash site still for his birthday and Holidays, and always include you. Should they be over him too?

    4. I know your struggle with your weight, as many Americans do. Asthma or not, you go out and run, walk, bike, diet, and if they were really paying attention to your blog, they would see that you 'just doing it.

    5. Retards?? Really? Who says that? How inconsiderate, and offensive to use that word? And Who is Adam? Wow they really knew you well. They must be talking about the A$$ you stuck with for so long, whose last name was Adams! First of all James was a nice kid, but didn't he move away... duh. (And Thank you James for serving our Country!) And then there was John, yes a mistake, and we learn from them. And you were a victim in that relationship. And to say Ty is a step down from him, they obviously did not know John! And who cares what they think. Ty is a loving, caring person, who makes you happy! He loves you, he loves his family, and he is caring and thoughtful to your family. (us)

    6. Well your sister is 10, she has not taken responsibility for her life, so she still lives at home. I don't see her, or any other 10 year old being able to take care of their own life. Sounds like someone with the Maturity of a 10 year old wrote this rant.

    7. "Take charge of your life and make something of yourself?" Really? Do you not support yourself? Do you not have a full-time job, doing what you love? Did you not earn a college degree? Yes, Yes, and Yes!

    8. And I hope you read this and realize what a Beautiful, loving, caring person you are. You love life! You love your family, but most importantly, you love yourself!!! And you know that you are bigger then this! What a hypocrite this person is. They need to grow up. Maybe they are insecure with themselves, because they do not have what you have-- Beauty, inside and out, Confidence, and so much more.

  4. How dare they call themself a "friend". Nothing that they wrote was in place to help you in any way Brynna. Whoever this is is in a lot of pain. I hope all the time they took to write this eased their pain for one night, and don't give them the satisfaction of dwelling over their idiotic personal attacks.

  5. Bea,

    you don't realize this (or maybe you do) but you pretty much enabled her. Mostly by controlling every aspect of her life in middle school and high school. You were so tight on her that when left, she went all crazy and did everything she wanted to.

    with that being said, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    I think it's great that she also writes about her family and puts pictures up and so on... Those are the things that are great and she should continue doing that because it's sincere and is good for her. People love to read all about that, but not the whining, exaggerated, sad and pathetic excuses for why she can't do this or that.

    As for John, back in high school he was usually called by his last name. The fact that I wrote 'Adam" instead of "Adams" was a typo.
    As for the word "retard", you know Ty uses it all the time, perhaps not in front of you but he says it. Where is it he's working at? Pizza-hut? I think I saw him once when I went with my family. Even my family (not knowing who he was) pointed out that if I ever bring a guy like him home, they would be embarrassed. That's due to how he was behaving there BTW.
    As for James, it was probably a good thing he moved away but he had some serious issues. I was just as surprised when he was dating Brynna as when he continued to date her through high school.Yay he serves in the military... He chose to do it nobody made him, what's the big deal. A police officer does more, and risks 20 times more than James. Apparently he also got married, thrown into jail on some DV charge and is now divorced. My latest intel tells me.

    College degree.... I vaguely recall something about plagiarism. Must be someone else right?

    As for the weight part. She's not really just doing it... she is just merely "Just typing it" and probably making every effort to make an excuse to not do it on a regular basis. It's okay, like you said, many Americans struggle. I'll have the double quarter pounder with cheese, Meal large- oh and I'm on a diet so a diet Coke please.

    I am not Brynna's friend. No not anymore. I was once when we were younger. We swam together, hung out together, had some classes together. The fact is that when we got to high school and all she ever did was hang out with James while he did who know what to her behind the library near the creek (before the school was torn down and rebuilt) and she did anything she could do for attention we started to slowly drift away. That crap she pulled off in middle school was no longer cute in high school.

    I think the only time I ever saw her actually legitimately sad and hurt was when James left. Then she went out with (john) Adams, and started getting fat after high school, and so on.

    I don't think I've ever met anyone who makes up more excuses and self-victimizes themselves to gain pity and attention.

    My "idiotic personal attacks" aren't meant to make her sad and upset... they are meant to show her what I really think of her.

    No my life is not perfect. Sure i'll admit I am in a lot of pain seeing a lot of my good friends wind out down a shitty road. Brynna, don't reply if you don't want to. Don't dwell on it if you truly believe everything I said here is 100 percent wrong. But I urge you to look it over if even 1 percent is right and you fix that 1 percent.


    I never liked you growing up, but I don't know you as well as I got to know Brynna. I'm also not a parent yet, but when I am, I'll be sure to not make some of the mistakes I saw you do with Brynna. Yes all of your other kids look to be turning out better so you must have changed something. I think it's great that you came on her blog and did the motherly thing. You know the I support my daughter blah blah blah. But maybe it's too late but you should still be honest with her and really tell her how it is. Stop enabling her.

    1. I really wish whoever wrote this (although I could take a guess) would man up and tell me your real name. Obviously this person is hurting inside and just needed to rant a little. I hope that person is feeling better about themselves. I do have one question for you: if you don't like what I write, then why are you reading it? I'm sorry you feel that way about me, although if you actually got to know me and hung out with me, you would realize how much I have changed, and what I kind and loving friend I am. But it's your loss. I don't want to be friends with someone who is going to put down other people in order to make yourself feel better.

      I'm not going to waste my time and energy arguing with someone who truly hates me for whatever reason so I'll just say this: if you don't like me then move on and don't talk to me. You obviously took the time to find my blog, read it and then post a comment on it all for what? Just to tell me how you really feel about me? I feel better knowing I'm the bigger person and am just going to ignore all of this and move on with my life and I hope you do the same.

      Have a good day

  6. Sounds like a jealous Ex to me, Brynna. Obviously Brynna they dont know you, because if they did:
    1. They would see you running/walking/exercising. And if they have not been friends with you since high school, why is it they think they know so much about you?
    2. They would know Ty does not work at Pizza Hut, and hasn't for a long time.
    3. John was called John in high school.
    4. How offensive to anyone in the Military serving our country, who served in a War!
    5. I don't care they like me or not, or what she thinks of my parenting. Because I was, and am a good parent, and I am confident in that!
    6. Was I not at your college graduation? Did you not receive your degree? Plagiarism? what the heck is she talking about?
    7. If she really wants you to know what she thinks of you, she would leave her name, otherwise it means nothing. Well, their opinion means nothing anyway!
    Thank you Brynna for being the bigger person!

  7. "sounds like a jealous ex"? Unless your daughter is a lesbian I forgot I dated once, I doubt i'm her ex.

    anyway. to answer Bea, and in order.

    1.running/walkind/exercising, would mean she would have to eat healthier too. In very rare occasions does one have a metabolism problem. Also it has to be a daily effort, not just when you decide to have time or you feel motivated for that one time every other week or so. Even with a metabolism issue there would be a difference.

    2. The last time I saw Ty was at pizza hut. It hasn't been THAT long. So ok he got a new job since.

    3. No, not by everyone. besides How do you know, unless you were there on a daily basis interacting with him.

    4. What was is that? Was James in WWII? I would even accept: the korean war,Vietnam, the gulf war. He never served in those and there hasn't been a war since then. Yes we've lost a few soldiers over the years thanks to the bush administration and thank god we had Obama to get them out since.

    5. I never said you were a bad parent, I just simply said I won't make the same mistakes that you did with Brynna.

    6. Yeah she graduated but not after a few complications. But did she actually take responsibility for her actions, or did she deny it and point at the rest of the world?

    7.I will not leave my name because if I see her or you, well the last thing I need is for a huge bitch fight. After all I do get pretty emotional about this stuff. If my opinion didn't matter then you wouldn't be defending her because it would be a waste of your time and energy right?

    Brynna as to your response.

    I hurt a bit between us be we were pretty good friends at one point but damn you pissed me off. Not directly. It was more of a subtle insult like it was always about you and you never had time to do anything else except draw attention to yourself.

    And like I said, I stumbled upon your Facebook through a few friends status's and looking at your about me page. I saw your blog and was excited to read it... until well, I realized it was just plain old you. I was hoping to reconnect but I don't think we are going to be able to. Seeing as to the fact that you probably didn't read everything and understanding how I <---- Feel. Some things never change. I wouldn't want to hang out with friends who put down other people, but I fear that, that's exactly what you used to do when I hung around you, except it was never in a form of words, but merely actions that say, "I don't care about you, I haven't had enough attention."

    So no, I don't feel better by posting this on your blog. I will probably never forgive myself for being so blunt about my feelings and chicken***t to actually tell you who I am. I figured you may actually get something out of this but you are right.... you're the bigger man. Just move on with your life. Ignore all of this. Don't learn from it.

    I do promise you though if I see you around, I will be polite and I will be doing it with a smile on my face.

    Good luck.

  8. You have no idea how to help people grow. Please do the world a favor and never offer advice again. Leave it to those who actually know a thing or two about human psychology.

  9. This is a great read when you have nothing to do for 20 minutes. Who ever this "unknown blogger" is, have you ever heard of the Iraq or Afghanistan wars? Jesus christ... We are still fighting in Afghanistan and the Iraq war ended semi-recently. You obviously don't want the news much.

    Brynna and Bea - The over reaction by both of you just makes what she said sound true. You should have just said nothing.

    Anyways, comical read at best. The intelligence level shown here gives me no hope for America.


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