Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Birth story

It's crazy to think I took this picture just a day before going into a labor. I was exactly 34 weeks in this picture. Everything was going good, no problems and I felt fine. I was actually just talking to my co workers about how I was feeling pretty good and that I was expecting to finish off the rest of the month working. Ha, I was really wrong because these girls had other plans.

I was woken up at 3:40am on Friday to my water breaking. I have to admit, weirdest feeling ever. At first I had no idea what was going on and sat up and then I said out loud, "oh shit." Ty woke up and asked what was wrong and I said to him, "I think my water just broke." He wasn't quite awake and I had to repeat myself before he sat up and got out of bed. And then I looked at him and said, "we need to pack a hospital bag." We had it all planned out to finish all the baby stuff, including their room and pack a hospital bag this weekend so we were totally unprepared for this, but of course who is? After we got the bag ready, the next thing on my mind was food. It was close to breakfast time and I knew they wouldn't let me eat once I got to the hospital so I had Ty take me to Winco to get breakfast as well as other snacks. By then the contractions were small ones so I was able to walk around just fine.

After our stop at Winco we drove to the hospital and while on the way I called my mom. I showed up and they asked me what I was in for and I told them that my water had broke. I don't think they believed me because I was so calm about it. They took me to a room, asked how far long I was. They took a swab to make sure it was amniotic fluid I was leaking and not something else and then once they confirmed it was they wheeled me into the labor and delivery room at around 7am. They checked my cerivx and I was 100% effaced and I was dilated 3-4 cm. Again I was having contractions but they were still just small ones. Not very strong. The nurse asked me about my pain management and I told her I would want an epidural. The room had a Jacuzzi tub and they offered for me to lay in it while I labored, and obviously I took that opportunity. The tub felt amazing and once I got into the tub and started relaxing a little, the contractions started to hit me HARD. The pain started to hit my lower back really hard. As I was getting out the nurse came in and asked if I was ready for an epideral and without hesitation I all but yelled, "YES." As I layed back back down waiting for the ansticioligist the contractions become worse. I starting feeling sick to my stomach and puking and had horrible heartburn which made me want to puke as well. I felt like I was waiting forever, getting more uncomfortable and grumpy by the moment. I had multiple nurses come talk to me, and the doctor asked what my decision was about giving birth. I decided that I would try to deliver vaginally for both babies. (Again all while in pain) After what seemed like 10 hours the ansticioligist finally came in and gave me an epidural. After about 20 minutes, I could finally feel relief from the pain. In fact I got so relaxed that I fell alseep and took a nap. I even slept through the nurse adjusting the monitors on my belly. Later on I soon hated those monitors because it made my skin itch like crazy. Forget the pain and pressure I was more worried about scratching my skin off

I can't remember when I woke up but the nurse came in and decided to check to see how diolated I was and mentioned giving me pitocin because it had been  close to 12 hours since my water broke. As she was checking me the first words out of her mouth was, "well we don't need to give you any pitocin. You are about 10 cm diolated." It was about that time my mom and Tyrel had to put gowns on before I was rolled into the operating room. When delivering twins they always have the person delivery in the Operating room just in case the person needs a c section. While they were getting ready I had another nurse come in from the NICU where she told us my babies would need to go to the NICU when they were born. This is the first time I was told this and honestly was not expecting this news and about started crying knowing that I would give birth and then they would take my babies away. And of course they had to tell me this right as I was about to give birth. They wheeled me in to the room around 5pm. And at 6:36pm miss Tayla Rose was born! I remember thinking how hard that was and thought to myself that I was done but then remembered I still had another baby inside me. The nurses weighed Tayla and they brought her back to me. I got to hold her for an hour, which went by really fast. The exhaustion hit me. Hard. I was ready to be done and rolled back into my room, with my baby. But then the nurse took my baby away, reality sunk back in and I continued to lay there so twin number 2 could be born. The only problem is that my contractions completely stopped and miss Ivy positioned herself very comfortable in the center of my belly. They had to give me pitocin to start my contractions again. And they had to keep increasing it. They tried rotating Ivy but she wouldn't budge which means I would have to deliver the baby while in the breached position. I had know idea I had a long ways to go. The contractions started again and so did the pushing. I was exhausted from pushing with Tyala, my muscles were weak. I put every effort I could into pushing and it never felt enough. Then I started feeling horrible and excruciating pressure in my lower back and tail bone area, and every single push just made it worse. I remember getting really pissed that I could feel pain. I remember yelling, "is my epidural wearing off? Why can I feel the pain. I shouldn't be feeling this!!" The doctor tried to explain to me it had to do with the position the baby was in, but I was still mad. As Ivy made her down out the pain just got worse. I wanted to give up. I started crying and thought to myself that I couldn't do it anymore. This is where I'm so glad I had Tyrel at my side. He was able to calm me down and did not let me give up. I don't think I could've kept going without him. As the pushing continued the doctor told me all I had left was her head. And after hearing that it was all the motivation I needed. I zoned everything out and pushed all I could until she was out finally at 9:12pm. Almost 3 hours later! She was very purple when she came out but after some crying her color came back. They put her to my chest. I was only able to hold her for 20 minutes before she was taken away too. She was doing some weird breathing and wanted to start monitoring her. I laid there on the uncomfortable bed, thinking I was done. But I still had to deliver the placentas. Unfortunately the placentas would not come out so they had to give me more epidural so she could go in and pull the placentas out. It was close to 11pm when they finally started wheeling me out and back into my room. As I laid there all I could think about was how my babies were doing but they wouldn't let me me go see them until my epidural wore off and could walk by myself.

I was exhausted and wanted to sleep. My epidural finally wore off and it was time to move into the recovery room. At around 2am I was finally able to go down to the NICU to see my babies and hold them! It was the most amazing feeling ever. I wanted to stay longer but because I had been awake for nearly 24 hours I was tired and needed to get some sleep. I wanted to bring my babies with me but they had to stay. I went back to my room where both Tyrel and I were able to sleep

I was happy to be done finally but knew I still had a long road ahead of me


  1. Love it! Thank you for such an honest post! And your babies are just beautiful!

  2. Love it! Thank you for such an honest post! And your babies are just beautiful!

  3. I hope I was some help to you too. You did an amazing job, mama! Very proud of you. Tyrel was also amazing. That little Ivy did not want to join the rest of us. So glad she decided to make her appearance, because you were exhausted! Love you girly!

  4. I hope I was some help to you too. You did an amazing job, mama! Very proud of you. Tyrel was also amazing. That little Ivy did not want to join the rest of us. So glad she decided to make her appearance, because you were exhausted! Love you girly!


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