Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's all a dream

A lot has happened since I made my first goal. I was young and my heart was set on becoming a teacher. I'm not exactly sure why I made the decision to teach but it was something I really wanted to do. I set a goal and made plans for my future. I made this goal when I was 12 years old. 12 years later I achieved my goal of finishing school with a degree in early childhood. My next goal: get my teaching license and become a teacher; at least that's what I thought I wanted to do.

My 5th year of college started and I began the long drawn out process of applying for graduate school. I felt like I was applying for a job. Having to fill out piles and piles of application and pay annoying application fees, and have people write me letters of recommendations. Answer questions about what I would like to do for my future and finding time to "interview" with the college I was applying for. With only 6 months left of school my brain started to check out. After 5 years of college I was ready to be done. And on top of the homework I had to do I was student teaching, writing lessons plans and find time to work so I could pay bills. It was probably the longest 6 months I have ever encountered. And as I was ending my last year of college, I received bad news that nearly crushed me; I was not accepted into graduate school. I was devastated. All that work, all that time consumed into it, for nothing. I felt like my world had stopped. This wasn't part of the plan. How am I going to achieve my dream? What the hell am I suppose to do now? I had 3 months left of school to figure out what was going to come next.

June came and I graduated from college. I was lucky to find a job and within the time it took me to get over my rejection into grad school I was able to discover a new dream. It started when I was student teaching at Bates, working with preschoolers. The joy and happiness that it brought me made me decide a new career; teach preschool.

It's amazing how quickly you can change your mind about something. My choice of career may not pay that much but it's something that I love doing. Working with preschoolers may not seem like the ideal job and it may be something that most people don't support but the most important thing you could ever do is listen to your heart. Do what you love doing because in the end, that's what is going to bring you the most happiness.

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