Thursday, April 20, 2017

13 months and so many things happening

Big girl car seats
I haven't sent out thank you cards yet because you know I suck... lol. But thank you to anyone who chipped in for new car seats! As you can see the girls really like them. 

So much has changed within the last couple of weeks. More interest in standing from both of them. First it was Tayla and just a couple of days ago, Ivy got on her knees and was pulling things off the bookshelf. She even stood up on the couch to get to Tyrel. I'm so proud of these little girls. Both of them LOVE books. I love how Tayla will will sit and turn the pages, while pointing and talking to it. Ivy is still trying to learn how to sit on her own but she's almost there. We started the transition into whole milk and they drink it no problem which is nice. I'm going to stop bottles pretty soon because I feel Tayla is refusing some meals because she knows she will get that bottle later, which is only before nap and bed time. I have a feeling Ivy is going to be that kid that will try anything, considering she eats everything I put in front of her, as well as paper, dirt and anything she find on the floor. Tayla is a little more timid but she watches her sister and if she watches me take a bite then she will too.

They still take 2 naps a day! It's crazy because I keep waiting for the day they will transition into one. There was a time when I thought they were ready but it must have been a phase because they quickly wanted to back to 2 naps. Yes you read that right, these girls like their sleep. They also go to bed at 7pm and wake up between 6:30 and 7amI tell you, sleep training was the best decision I ever made. There are days I wish they would sleep later but they are definitely morning babies, who of course got that from me. I've tried keeping them up later, but no mater how late they stay up, they still like to wake up at 6:30, sometime even earlier. 

They like their quilts from granny

I just can't get enough of these girls! And even though I've enjoyed my time staying home with them, I do miss working. I look forward to the day where I can go back

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