Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snow day and baking

I got an early text from my boss saying I didn't have to go into work on Friday. Which is probably a good thing because I was feeling like crap. A week and a half with this nasty cold. Ugh. Corvallis experienced some extreme snow Friday morning. They've been saying it was going to snow for awhile and I was expecting maybe a couple of inches.... like always. But I woke up to a good 5 inches of snow! May not seem like a lot to some people but here in Corvallis that's something to celebrate about it! Later on it continued to snow when it finally stopped.

I woke up today thinking the sun would come up and melt all the snow.... But I don't think it go higher then 28 degrees! Seeing as I didn't get to go enjoy the snow yesterday, I decided to venture out today. We have a "lake" at our apartment complex and I was curious if it had frozen over. Sure enough, it did.

I really wanted to go over to the lake and step on it... but being a responsible adult, I decided not to. Instead I walked around some more and took more pictures

I can't see my feet!

Big pile of snow!
I couldn't stay out for very long. My hands and face became numb and I figured that was enough snow for one day. Not to mention the cold air is terrible my lungs. I decided to go the store and pick up some things to do some baking! I tired a new recipe and made cake batter cookies!

Easiest cookies ever! The only thing I would change is reduce the amount of sprinkles.

Happy Saturday

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