If you follow me on Instagram you would have noticed that it blew up with baby pictures Friday night! As most of you know my baby fever has been going crazy. I work at a daycare/preschool and have many opportunities at work to visit the baby room, which I absolutely love. One of my co workers just recently had a baby in August and she needed a babysitter for Friday night while she enjoyed some quality mommy time up in Eugene. It was a lot of fun and he was the easiest baby ever. I wasn't sure how Tyrel would do, but I was pretty impressed with him and even caught him holding the baby while I made a bottle for him. The baby slept through the whole night was up bright and early at 6am. He stayed up whileI listened to Christmas music and enjoyed some breakfast. It's been a long time since I've been up that early on a Saturday but it was definitely worth it. As we cuddled up on the couch he ended up going to sleep which gave me a chance to get some sleep as well.
I ended up meeting my co worker at the mall and I got my nails done. I went to this place in Albany called Edith's Salon because I had a gift certificate for Shellac nails.
First time doing Shellac and so far I've really enjoyed it. I think the best thing I like about is that it's suppose to last 2 weeks. We will see how long they end up lasting because every time I paint my nails it always ends up chipping off 2 days later
Saturday Ty planned a date night for us and surprised me with a new restaurant he discovered in Salem. The Old Spaghetti Factory! The food was delicious and afterwards we the new Hobbit movie.
A snowflake made out of bells! |
Now I'm enjoying the rest of the week by relaxing since I don't have work until Friday. I've already watched my traditional Christmas movie: National Lapoon's Christmas Vacation! Does anyone else have a Christmas movie they watch every year?
We love to watch White Christmas but for some reason this year it was lost =( So we watched It's a Wonderful Life instead =) Merry Christmas! P.S. Your nails are gorgeous!