Tuesday, July 26, 2016

4 months: the road to exclusively pumping

The blurry feet and hands show just how active these little girls are! Constantly kicking and moving, and talking non stop. Ivy recently learned how to roll from her stomach to her back! After all the issues she had with her neck, this made me really happy. And she did something before Tayla. Usually Tayla is one that hits the milestones first. There were a couple of times Tayla acted like she was going to roll over, but nothing has happened yet. These girls keep on growing and have reached 10 pounds which means 3 month clothes are getting a little snug for them

I'm going to be honest with you, being a stay at home is harder then I thought it would be. Trying to take care of two babies plus trying to stay on top of the housework is so hard. I seriously had this vision of having a nice clean house with dinner made as Tyrel was coming home, and I thought to myself, "yeah, I can do this." Boy was I wrong. I've been struggling trying to keep the house the clean but then I look at at these two beautiful girls and they are being fed and getting the attention they need and I think that is what's most important.

And just look how much progress they have made, so clearly I must be doing something right

I've come to the decision that I'm going ti give up on nursing and just continue to pump.  They weren't very good nursers. It was a lot of work to re-position and re-latch them every couple of minutes. I wanted to do tandem nursing with them so that way it cut down feeding time but they hated it. I've been on a pumping schedule since they were born because of them being in NICU so really pumping isn't all that different for me. It is extra work? Yes. Does that mean more dishes? Yes. But it's what I decided to do. Even though I don't really make enough and have to supplement with formula. I still feel it's good that they are getting some breast milk in their bottles. And thanks to my hands free pumping bra I'm able to multitask, which means pumping and eating at the same time!

Sleeping is not going well. They have been waking a little more often at night, and becoming quite restless and during the day they are living off of 20 minute naps! They have better things to do then sleep these days, which includes talking, and smiling at everything and everyone. Unfortunately it makes for a very tired mama. I've been told by multiple people and the wonderful baby books, that this is phase and this too shall pass. I really hope so because I actually had a pretty good routine going for them.

I will say though that I've survived two road trips with these guys. We traveled to the beach with my family and went to the family reunion over in blue River. Both times they slept in the car pretty much the entire time

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