Saturday, November 7, 2015
16 weeks!
I'm slowly started to feel pregnant. I feel like I woke up one night and my belly had grown a little. Yesterday at work I was feeling really bloated and the shirt I was wearing didn't fit me as well. I feel like I'm using the bathroom more often, especially at night. I've woken up every night, usually early hours in the morning to have to use the bathroom and then I can't go back to sleep! I usually toss and turn and maybe fall asleep for another hour before my alarm goes off for work. Other then the peeing thing, I've actually have been sleeping very good. And even though I'm not sleeping very long I'm still feeling energized at work. I'm thanking my amazing Doterra supplements I take on daily basis for that :) But then of course the moment I get home, eat dinner and sit on the couch I start dozing off and it's only 8pm.
My next OB appointment is Nov. 19th. I'm also seeing a specialist because I'm carrying twins which means I have an at risk pregnancy. The specialist is call a perinatologist or Maternal Fetal Medicine. So I have another appointment on Dec. 7th where they will do an ultra and hopefully I will be further enough along that I can find out the gender and then meet with the specialist. I will also be getting more ultra sounds so they can keep track of how the babies are growing to make sure they are growing at the same rate.
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Weigh the same
Maternity clothes? I can still wear my regular pants, can't wear certain shirts because they are too short now
Best moment this week: Telling the kiddos at work that I had two babies in my belly
Miss Anything? Still alcohol
Movement: None yet
Food cravings: Salad or any type of veggies with ranch
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still avoiding lunch meat
Have you started to show yet: It's still hard to tell but I feel my tummy has gotten a little bigger
Gender prediction: Still feeling one boy and one girl
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? In and still have my belly ring in
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still pretty happy, although I have my moments
Looking forward to: Relaxing this weekend
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