Monday, January 19, 2015

Been awhile

I've been so bad keeping up with my blog lately. Ever since I came down with my cold on New Years I've been trying to sleep as much as possible, and taking extra Vitamin C so I could kick this cold. Well I'm happy to say I finally did so I actually had the energy to do something. Friday after work we headed up to Portland to hang out with my best friend who I hadn't seen in awhile. We had meant to hang out with her on New Years but because I was sick I had to cancel.

Can't go wrong with cards against humanity

Haha we are so special
Saturday Bailee had another basketball tournament in Salem so I spent the day watching basketball and then went to a movie. We saw Night of the Museum 3. The last movie Robin Williams was in. It's sad to think that I wont see him in anymore movies. Afterwards the kids stayed with me with my parents and brother went to an adult movie. Braylon saw Ty's legos sitting on the shelf and wanted to play with them while we watched the last Star Wars movie. Braylon thought it was so cool seeing all the different characters from his lego sets and kept pointing saying, "Hey look it's that guy!" "Oh, you have that guy too!" So cute

Overall good weekend. Bailee's basketball team made it to the championship game and ended up getting 2nd place. Her team has really improved since the last time I've seen them play. They played really well

Tin foil animals created by Bailee
Watching star wars

There was a massacre on the sail barge.... lol

Painted Bailee's nails for her basketball game

Good job Bailee!

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