Saturday, November 9, 2013

Flashback to my new beginning

I was recently looking through some old pictures back from 3 years ago. As I was looking at these pictures I realized that a lot of things took place that year. At the time I was finishing my last year of school. I had been struggling a bit, considering at the time I was doing student teaching while working part time. I didn't have much free time, was running on a little amount of sleep and my boyfriend at the time had broke up with me, leaving me heart broken and unable to concentrate at school work. Little did I know that 3 months later my life would change

Before spring term started, I decided that enough was enough. I wasn't going to waste my life on someone who was allegedly cheating on me. No more would I suffer through manipulation and emotional and psychological abuse. I was done. I wanted to go back to being me; back to being happy!


I got a new hair style, (and color) and surrounded myself around loved ones so I knew what it felt to be happy again. I was able to focus on my school work. I finished winter term, and completed my student teacher. I started spring term with a new perspective on life.

In June 2010 I graduated from OSU with an Early Childhood Education and Development degree. A week later I started a new job. Everything was going great

On June 20, 2010 I went on a date with an old friend from high school. The date was a huge success and we really hit it off! We continued dating and everyday he stole my heart. I've never really believed in love at first site. I didn't think it existed in real life, only in fairy tales. But after reconnecting with Tyrel, I was in love already. He was kind to me, and treating me nicely. I could be myself around him. We continued dating and waited for the "puppy love" phase to disappear; but it never did. 3 and 1/2 years later I'm still happy as ever.

Today I'm thankful for finding such an amazing guy. Someone who could make me happy, someone who I could talk to, someone I can spend the rest of my life with.

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