Saturday, September 28, 2013


Well  fall is officially here, and it hit us with a bang! Bringing in rain and wind. Having lived in Oregon all my life it's no surprise to me, and yet every year you get people that still complain about the rain. They act all surprised that it rains all season (even though it does this every year) and run and hide until it stops raining. My advice to you: buy some rain gear and enjoy the fresh air! Being outside is good for you. If you don't like the rain, then I'm sorry you are living in the wrong state.

It's good for kids to be outside as well. I don't agree with keeping kids inside all day. Kids need to be outside, explore, get dirty, and experience scraps and bruises. It's all part of being a kid. At work we take kids outside in all types of weather. Hot, cold, rain or snow. You ever heard of the saying, "put on a coat, or you will catch a cold"? Well it's a myth. You can not catch the common cold by being cold. You catch it by breathing in the same air as an infected person. The reason why the common cold is so common in the fall and winter months: because people spend too much time inside! Kids who are spend more time outside are less likely to get sick. There are also less behavioral issues. Being outside gives kids the freedom to run around, have fun and just be a kid.

Are there other sicknesses that you can catch from being outside? Yes. Hypothermia is most common, which happens by not wearing proper clothing while being in the rain. That's why companies have created these things called rain coats and rain boots. There are even rain pants that you can put on over your regular pants. Add some layers under neath it all and you are nice and cozy.

So go outside, enjoy the fresh air. Oregon is known for rain so don't plan on it leaving anytime soon

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