Saturday, May 12, 2012

Some call it chilldish, I call it having fun

I saw this on a t-shirt selling website. When I saw it I knew it was perfect for me and I just had to have it!
Through out my life I have been called "childish" because of how I act or do things. I was always told that I should grow up and act my age. Well I did listen to what I was told but I feel their should be a time and place where I can just go crazy and let my inner child out. Well luckily I work at a job where I'm not looked down upon when I act like a child

Everyday I get the chance to be kid. I dig for bugs, ride bikes, (well try to at least haha) slpash in puddles, color, make bubbles, paint, make stuff with play-doh, and play in the sensory bin. The kids either find it silly, or they will join. It's a perfect way to get the kids engaged in a certain activity. I will admit though, there have times when I'm having more fun then the kids and pretty soon I'm the only one playing at an activity. I just get carried away sometimes!

I'm happy to know that I have a boyfriend who supports my "childish acts" and in fact will join me in the fun sometimes. I really don't think I would make a very fun preschool teacher if I didn't have fun playing. But if you want to judge me fine, at least I know how to have fun!

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