Sunday, April 17, 2011

Surprise trip!

So my boyfriend had me wake up at 6:30 this morning, had me wear something warm and good walking shoes. The destination: Unknown (at least to me) To this day I always thought I had an awesome boyfriend, but today just made it all the more true.

No traffic in Corvallis this early in the morning... :P

Pretty proud of himself.

After a quick rest stop we finally make it to our destination!

I can't remember the last time I went to the zoo. I saw lots of animals, took lots of pictures and of course had lots of fun. I love spending time with Tyrel and I love it even more that he surprises me with spontaneous adventures. His mom also joined in the fun. And yes, even she knew what the surprise was too haha

Right before we left, we made one last stop to see my favorite animals.

I like any kind of aquatic animals really, but sea lions are definitely high on the list.

Over all really awesome day!

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