Within the past week I was given some news that has put some major stress on me. I just recently learned that I'm going to be losing my dental and vision insurance starting in January. Luckily I still have my medical benefits for another year, but it still means that I have two months to take care of all my dental stuff: Getting my wisdom teeth removed and orthodontics. I need to stalk on contacts and hope that my vision doesn't get any worse. And because I work full time I need to somehow find time to fit my appointments in before I go to work. Luckily I don't have to be at work until 10:45...
Well that was my plan, until I found out today at work that starting on Monday I'm going to be working at 8:30. Makes it a little harder to fit appointments in. I will also be working in a different classroom, which means a different group of kids and different environment. I was told it will only be temporary, but it's still a lot to take in at the moment. As hard as it is for me to think to myself about not working in my usual environment, at the same time I do feel honored in being asked to step in during our time of crisis at work, knowing that it's hard to find "state regulated" qualified infant toddler teacher.
Trying to stay positive about everything. I'm going to need it the next few months
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