I have been given a wonderful graduation gift from my grandparents recently. It was 2 weekends ago when I was told I would receive a 2004 Pontiac Grand AM and was able to pick up the car later in the week. I owe nothing on the car and they want nothing in return then for me to be kind to other people and work hard at something that makes me happy. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life that will give me something so special and then want no money in return. It made me think that people that this are hard to find these days.
I always find it interesting these days that in order to do someone a favor you have to give them something in return in equal or more value. Whatever happen to the days of doing something nice for someone just for the sake of being nice? Why can't you choose to do something nice out of the kindness of your heart? I guess maybe I was brought up differently. I do nice things for people and most of the time don't ask for much back, if anything at all. I can't even begin to tell you the number of times I've babysat my siblings for free so my parents could go out. And it doesn't bother me in the least that they don't pay me, for I do it because I enjoy doing it. I do nice things for people because that's what a good person does.
Maybe this is why I've let people in the past take advantage of me. Because I'm too nice of a person. Because I don't ask for much in return I get used. It got to a point where I was being TOO nice. It's sad to think that this can actually happen but there came a point in time where I had to step back and simply say, "No." It was hard for me to do at first, but now that I'm older I know my limits. I know who I can turn to and who will be there for me always, no matter what.
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