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My growing girls |
It's hard to believe that these sweet girls have been in our lives for 10 months! That means 2 more months to plan and figure out where to celebrate their 1st birthday. Which of course I'm totally clueless about doing. I have no idea where to have it either. Time to start thinking about it I guess.
Tayla crawls everywhere now and she also like to climb as well. She knows how to get on her knees but still figuring out how to get on her feet. If you hold her hands she will stand on feet with her legs straight. She screeches like a baby pterodactyl, loves to talk to make noises just for the sake the hearing yourself. She LOVES food. So much that she enjoys shoving as much food into her mouth as possible, while giving mom a heart attack every time but she's able to figure it out. She pretty much eats everything I put in front of her. Foods she likes the most are broccoli, cheese, and meatballs. She's got the fake crying down and definitely likes to let me know when her sister takes a toy for her or if she touches her the wrong way. She can be quite the drama queen sometimes. She is a big mama's girl and will fuss and follow me around the house until I pick her up and give some snuggles before she goes about her day. She also thinks her dad is hilarious! Ty is always able to calm her down by doing something or making some sort of noise and she will just bust up laughing. She never stays in one place for long and she enjoys picking one particular toy and crawls around with it. She hates stuff on her head, including hats and hoods, so sometimes when we go on walks she will throw a little tantrum when I first put it on but once we start going she calms down. Of course as soon as we walk through the door, the hat comes right off!
She likes taking her pants off |
Ivy's main form of transportation is rolling. She is getting very fast at it. But on Friday she started putting more effort into crawling! But for the most part she is pretty happy just laying on the floor playing with a variety of toys, including the toys her sister is playing with. About a month or so ago she became more interested in food. She use to just sit there and mush it around and would put food in her mouth but wouldn't really swallow it. But now she enjoys eating food like her sister. Her current favorite foods are banana's, cheese and any type of bread. She is more careful about eating and will take smaller bites, chew and swallow before taking another bite. She enjoys making noises to let herself be heard but her favorite noise involves rolling her tongue. She enjoys stealing all the toys and rolling around in them and will find anything that is not a toy, like a blanket or towel, and just lay there playing and talking to it. She is the girl with cold feet and hands but refuses to keep socks on her feet. As soon as I put socks on her she will rip them right off so I have to put shoes on her in order to keep them on her feet. She hates them so much she enjoys taking her sisters' socks off too! She kicks her feet happily whenever me or her dad walk into the room. (although ty claims she only gets excited when she sees him.) She loves pulling on hair, sweatshirt strings, glasses, pretty much anything she can get her hands on.
The flash was too bright! |
Both of these girls have slowed down on their eating because all they want to do is play. Some days it's a struggle to get them to sit down and finish their bottle, other days they have no problems and ask for more. Sometime if they don't finish I just offer formula (since they can't drink regular milk yet) in a sippy cup for them to drink and they seem to enjoy that. For the most part sleeping is going good. There are days when naps are shorter and after an hour of fighting it I just pick them up and snuggle on the couch because it's just not worth the fight. Crappy naps days always leads to early bedtime though. At night they go down between 7 and 7:30 and wake up at 6:30. Lately Ivy has been wanting to wake up between 4 and 5 in the morning. Just clapping and talking away which then of course wakes up her sister. 99% of the time I can ignore them and they go back to sleep, if not then I don't go get them out of bed until 6:30. For the part these girls are just the happiest little babies. If they cry it generally means something is wrong.
In others news I wanted to share that I'm officially done with my pumping journey. I was just 2 months short of my goal but I'm still proud of long I went considering I wanted to quit at month 2. It sort of happened by accident actually. I just slowing started dropping pumps. Either I got busy and was stressing about finding the time to sit and pump or the fact that I started to hate pumping because it confined to one spot. My hands free pumping bra helped but if I wanted to walk around the house I would have to carry the thing with me with one hand and that sort of defeated the purpose of being hands free. Looking back there were hard days when I mourned the loss of my nursing relationship with my girls. Tayla was definitely interested in nursing but because of her severe tongue tie she would get extremely frustrated at the breast where she would just scream sometimes. She hated nipple shields but they didn't fit me right and never stayed on. And the pain was just unbearable. I tried to work through it but it was too much feeling like razor blades and made my nipples crack and bleed. She was fine drinking from a bottle but it was me feeling like a failure that made me feel awful. Even after getting her tongue tie fixed, it still took her months to re-learn how to use to her tongue and didn't have a good suck until a good 4 months after her revision. Ivy was a lazy eater. She would only latch with a nipple shield and she fell asleep at the breast a lot. I'm sure if I stayed with it I probably could have made it work but with there being two of them, and the stress of them being premie's and making sure they were getting enough calorie intake, on top of lack of sleep it was just much easier to pump. But now I'm done and they do fine with formula. They are fed and happy and that's all that matter
Happy 10 months sweet girls