17 months old! |
It's been awhile since I've done a crib picture. I was doing one every month up until they turned one and then I stopped. Tyrel was the one that gave me the idea to keep doing it. They didn't really want to cooperate... Tayla kept trying to roll over, wanted to put her hands in her mouth, Ivy wouldn't stop moving. You know the usual when it comes to taking pictures of your kids.
Anyway, so much is happening in this family lately. These growing girls are currently in size 5 diapers and out growing their 18 month clothing! They are down to one nap a day, enjoy eating all kind of foods (although Ivy is going through a picky phase) and Ivy is showing interest in walking!! I posted that video of her trying to stand up on her own and take steps, well now she is doing that more often and tries to let go of things while take steps! Tayla is more timid when it comes to walking. She tries to stand on her own but won't take any steps yet. They will however walk while holding onto one hand though. It's very exciting!
Another thing that's happening is that we are going to be moving soon! We found out in June that they were going to be increasing our rent here and ever since then we've been looking for a place to live. In the beginning it was because we couldn't afford it since they were increasing by $150, but the more I looked the more I realized that housing is expensive and we really didn't have choice when it came to renting! We were originally on the wait list for a ground floor apartment here at our current place but we made the decision that it would be better for our family to get a house instead. And let me tell you, rental houses do not come cheap! It's been pretty stressful but I knew something had to come up, and just recently something did! It's an adorable well kept duplex in Sublimity. It's only 2 bedrooms.... but it's big! And the best part? It has a garage! They are still processing our application but we should be hearing from them soon! 😆

I mean just look at this cute house! I'm a sucker for small towns and it will be nice to get out of Salem. Now if anybody has tips on how to move while handling little kids, that would be great! 😓
Another big change that's going to happen is that I'm going to be going back to work. I've looked at few places, but when I found out they were raising our rent I made it a priority to find a place to live! I'm mostly wanting to go back for my mental sanity, but it also depends on how much the childcare is too. Since this place will cost a little extra AND we have to pay for utilities it would be nice to have a little extra income.
Well I think that's all for now. So enjoy these pictures of my adorable kids 💓
Ivy is always blurry because she won't stop moving! |
Climbed up there all by herself |
Can't take a selfie without being photo bombed |