Thursday, June 23, 2016

3 months!

It's been 3 months since these adorable girls came into our lives, and boy have our lives change. Life feels like a juggling act sometimes. One starts crying so I pick her up. Before long the other one will start crying so I have to put the other one down, to pick up her sister. This goes back and forth sometimes which then will lead me to being stuck on the couch holding two babies at once. I really don't mind at all when it come down to this but it just means nothing around the house is getting done. It's crazy how it makes the day go by really fast. One minute it's morning time, next thing you know Tyrel is walking through the door coming home from work.

They are still on a pretty consistent 3 hour eating schedule. I'm able to feed them a the same time which cuts down on feeding time. They are still struggling with the breastfeeding. I almost feel like they have a lazy suck so they don't get much milk from the breast.. I've been told this is because they are getting use to the bottle. Nursing sessions still take a long time. It usually involves a lot of readjusting and fixing their latches. And even after feeding them at the breast both of them start screaming at me and sucking away at their binkies acting like they are still hungry! I don't really look forward to breastfeeding anymore because I feel it's so much work, but I keep trying. For now I'm just stuck to my pumping. I'm still having supply issues. I think of it has to do with my hypothyroidism. I bought some mother's milk tea and and on the look out for fenugreek. Currently trying a prescription called Reglan to help increase supply. I'm not really really a fan of the side effects so it may just be a temporary thing.

Sleeping is going really well so far! They are sleeping longer stretches at night! Generally I put them to bed at around 8 and then don't wake up to eat until 2! After that it's back to 3 hours, but they extra stretch is still nice. Sleeping during the day is kind of random. I was keeping them up a little bit because they love to smile and coo at you which is just the cutest thing ever. But I've noticed that makes them really cranky at the end of the day so now it's only for about an hour before I wrap them back up and then they are off to dream land. They still need a lot of head support, although Tayla is doing really well with tummy time and holding her head up! We are still working on head holding with Ivy because of her Tortacollis. She is seeing a physical therapist and I do regular stretches with her to help ease the muscle tension on the one side of her neck. Everyday seems to be a little better. Oh and did I mention these girls do really well sleeping in their crib? A lot of time times we can just wrap them up and lay them in their cribs and they will go to sleep on their own. It's pretty nice

These girls continue to grow. They were last weighed on May 31st and Tayla was at 8 lbs and Ivy was 8 lbs 2 oz. They go back in on Friday to be weighed again. I recently went through all their clothes and packed up all their newborn clothes and transitioned them to 0-3 month clothes as well as size 1 diapers!

Twin life is hard, but I just try to take it one day at a time. Also Tyrel helped me with the photo shoot, if you can tell by the pictures

Tayla is not a fan
 This is what happens when daddy helps with pictures haha

Oh I forgot to mention there have been a couple of times where the girls are laying on the floor and they they start smiling and talking to each other. It is just the cutest thing ever!! Trying really hard to get a video of it

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