Saturday, February 27, 2016
31 weeks
Well the babies are getting to the point where they slow down growing in length but still have quite a bit of weight to gain. They should weigh just over 3 pounds approximately. I had my Ob appointment on Thursday. I'm measuring 37 cm. One baby is still head down and the other one is head up. My doctor and I discussed delivery options and because baby B is head up and measuring bigger, she feels it is my best interest to have a c section. There are too many safety risk by delivering vaginally, including the baby's head getting stuck. To be honest with you a c section absolutely terrifies me. I've never had any type of major surgery before. So here's hoping baby B decides to rotate so that I don't need a c section!
On Monday Tyrel and I did a tour of the hospital in Salem. It was very informative as they took us through the rooms I will be delivering in and then recovering in. The Salem Hospital does this thing called baby first, which means the baby remains in the room with you at all times. Unless of course there is some sort of complication
Today was my first week working part time. It feels weird coming into work at 2 and do miss my kiddos but I've been feeling so much better. I'm able to sleep more in the mornings and I feel I can actually make it through the work day.
How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: About 5 pounds. I've almost reached my per-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Pretty much anything that feels comfortable
Best moment this week: Working part time
Miss Anything? My preschool kiddos
Movement: Pretty much all the time if I'm sitting down
Food cravings: Still wanting to drink lot of milk. We go through 2 to 3 gallons a week
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender prediction: Girls
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Going through the baby stuff and clothes we have
Saturday, February 20, 2016
30 weeks
This week is my last week working full time. Starting next week I will still be working everyday but just shorter hours. I'm actually really excited for this because I feel like I've reached a point where I need to take it easy. The biggest problem I have had lately is the swelling in my feet and legs have gotten really bad. So much that my legs actually hurt when you touch them. Sleeping is going better now that I've recovered from my sickness
Our house is slowly coming along. We have the living room, bathrooms and bedroom finish. Still have some things lying around in the dining room. We can actually walk in the spare bedroom now where we store stuff. That will be the next thing we work on, as well as the babies room.
I made deviled eggs! |
Look a food shelf! |
Total weight gain/loss: About a pound
Maternity clothes? Pretty much all the time. Or pajamas
Best moment this week: Feeling better after recovering from my sickness
Miss Anything? Just being able to sleep through the night
Movement: Yes and the kicks are starting to get stronger
Food cravings: Nothing special
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender prediction: Girls
Labor Signs: More crampy this usual
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy
Looking forward to: Working part time
Sunday, February 14, 2016
29 weeks (late post)
I'm late posting this but we had a busy weekend full of moving! We are now out of our shitty, rat infested apartment and into a nicer and 3 bedroom apartment. Still pretty bummed that we had to put the house buying process on hold, but I keep trying to remind myself that it's only temporary.
Anyway, this weeks picture was taken at our new place where there is a mirror low enough that I can see my whole belly. And when I looked in that mirror I honestly had no idea I was that big! Little bit of shock for me you could say, but these twin babies I'm growing need to keep on growing so bring on the big belly! I had my OB appointment on Wednesday and I'm currently measuring at 36 cm! So someone who should be about 36 weeks along. I still have a long ways to go and it will be interesting to see just how big I get. She also agreed with my request of going to part time! I'm actually really excited for this because I feel I really need to start taking it easy. Full days are really starting to be too much for me, of course I am fighting a sickness too, walking pneumonia actually, so once I recover from that maybe I can get through the day better.
I also had an appointment with the specialist too and had my ultra sound.
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Baby A decided to cooperate this time and finally showed her face |
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Baby B showed us the front of her face with her arms up |
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Legs |
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This picture is funny. She was trying to get measurements of baby B and then up on top you can also see baby A's face! |
Now that we have moved and cleaned our old place, all that's left to do is unpack and organize stuff. It will be nice to finally go through all the baby stuff we have and start getting all the cribs set up and everything else in the babies room. I still can't believe that starting in April we will now be a family of 4!
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: When I went to the doctor I had lost some weight
Maternity clothes? Pretty much all the time
Best moment this week: Seeing my babies and moving to a nicer and cleaner apartment
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night
Movement: Yes. Big kicks this week
Food cravings: Nothing in particular
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Um yeah
Gender prediction: Girls
Labor Signs: No, just cramping and stretching
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Happy or Moody most of the time: Been pretty moody this week. Tyrel and has referred to me as Pregasaurous Rex a lot
Looking forward to: Getting our new place organized and feeling like home
Saturday, February 6, 2016
28 weeks!
Well I have officially reached my 3rd trimester, which means I have 12 more weeks to go! Well 10 weeks for me. I continue to get bigger and the babies are becoming more active. The swelling in my legs and feet have gotten really bad, but the good news is, thanks to Zantac I no longer have heartburn! I started taking it on Tuesday and it has helped tremendously. Sleeping for me has started to become hit or miss. I wake up a lot at night because I either need to use the bathroom or I can't comfortable. It's frustrating knowing that I have the most comfortable bed but I'm not able to get comfortable to sleep. But of course with having a big belly I can only sleep on my sides, which means I need to switch sides once in awhile.
Next weekend is moving day!! The plan is to be done with my appointment on Wednesday and have time to sign paperwork so we don't have to deal with it on Saturday. Normally I hate moving, but for once I'm actually really excited to get out of our current shitty apartment. We will have a room to set up for the babies and hopefully get going on a nursery. I haven't really gone through my "nesting" phase that a lot of pregnant women go through, but I have been wanting to go through all the baby stuff people have been giving me. But since our spare room is currently stuffed full I don't really have that option right now
On Wednesday I have my next OB appointment and an appointment with a specialist to get an ultra sound. Going to talk to my doctor about my symptoms I've been having and possibly start working part time. A full work day is just getting too much for me
I found this really cool picture of what twins look like in the womb. Just imagine one of them being head up instead
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't really been keeping track. My weight keeps fluctuating
Maternity clothes? Yup. Pretty much all the time, but I do put on regular pants once in awhile that still fit me ;)
Best moment this week: Getting the phone call telling us we were approved for our apartment!
Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night
Movement: Yes. Still mostly during the evening time but they are started to move more during the day too
Food cravings: Lots of milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Have you started to show yet: Yup
Gender prediction: Girls
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In but a little shallower
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time
Looking forward to: My appointments on Wednesday!
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