To add to our busy weekend, Tyrel and I went to the Oregon State Fair with his parents on Sunday. We didn't go on any rides (unless you count the ski lift ride) but we spent a good 4 hours just walking around and looking at stuff. The last time we went to the State fair was 5 years ago when we first started dating and I don't remember so much stuff to look at. The reptile area was of course my favorite place to look! Too dark to take many pictures, but I've always had a fascination with them

This pig totally looked like we was smiling for the picture |
They had a cool dinosaur event they were doing where you can see Tyrel and his mom enjoying themselves. They also had a dog event they were doing we stopped to watched. It was called Extreme air dogs where the dogs would run and jump into the water to see how far they could jump. My friend does it with her dogs sometimes and she calls it dock diving. I've only seen pictures but never seen it in action!
After two busy days in a row, I was happy to have another day off so on Monday we just spent it relaxing. Yesterday we were also closed, but that was because we were getting for the new school year! I spent a good 10 hours yesterday organizing and cleaning everything. My co woker and I worked very hard on it and I'm happy to say I'm really proud of the work we have put into it. I like how we have different sections in the classroom for the kids, something we are doing differently this year
The cutest little classroom you ever saw ;)