Sunday, August 31, 2014

Football season is back!!

Yesterday was the first beaver game of the season! Since growing up in Corvallis I've always enjoyed watching the Beavers play. Through good and bad times, I've always been a Beaver believer. This is always my favorite time of the year. And I look forward for many more games in the future!

Markus Wheaton came to visit

Talk about Beaver spirit!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Early birthday celebrations

Summer is almost over which means fall is right around the corner! Fall and winter is my favorite time of the year. Cool weather, pretty colors and lets not forget about the holidays too. Anyway, this month has gone so fast that I (almost) forgot about Tyrel's birthday! I mean I knew it coming up but didn't realize how close it was until one of Ty's good friend asked me about a present for his birthday. Oops. Luckily Ty didn't take offense to it because it has been pretty crazy lately. So on Saturday we went to Fred Myers and I let him chose which lego set he wanted and I let him open it early. It's usually what we do anyway because both of us are horrible at keeping surprises from each other. I also made him some cookie brownie. I did order a another present for him but it wont be here until Thursday

On Sunday we went to Portland once again to finish our trip from the last weekend. I ate a hooters for the first time. It was actually really delicious food. Later we hit the mall and went to the Lego store! They had pretty much every lego set you could imagine, needless to say Tyrel was in heaven the whole time and talked nerdy to the other workers there. He ended up getting a lego guy for one of his sets and I ended up getting this cute penguin keychain made out of legos! He may have got me hooked. Some the things they built out of legos were actually really cool!

Tyrel's actual birthday is tomorrow where we will celebrate it by going out to dinner. I know, big partiers here haha. But you know when you have a job that requires you to go to bed between 9 and 10 you don't have many options during the week. Hope everyone had a good Monday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm an aunt!!!

Well my nephew got to go home yesterday! I apologize for clogging up your news feed with baby pictures, but I just can't help it! He is absolutely perfect. So tiny too. I look forward to watching this little guy grow up!!

Love his cute crooked nose!

Tiny hands

Chillin' in his new home

Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend adventures

This weekend was sure a busy one! Saturday Tyrel and I finally tackled all of the housework that had been piling up for months now and boy does it feel nice to walk through my house without stepping over things constantly. I couldn't believe the layer of dust we found on our tv stand. Now that Tyrel will be home at night during the week and doesn't have to work weekends we have both promised to be better about keeping our house cleaner.

On Sunday we had planned to spend the day up in Portland but my little nephew had other plans. But by the time my mom mom called me Tyrel and I were almost there so we figured we would walk around downtown for a bit. And the last time I waited at the hospital for a baby arrive (my youngest brother) he didn't come until 12 hours later so I figured I had lots of time haha. We walked around Pioneer Square for a little mostly so we could walk across the sky bridge. We goot some food and walked along the waterfront for a little.

Check out these weird looking mannequins...

Stopped to see the world's smallest park!

  I got a text from my mom saying the baby will be here soon so we decided to drive back early before I had a chance to get my facial! Luckily the lady as very nice and I was able to reschedule. I'm glad we left when we did because I got there in time to see my nephew be born and be there for the first moments!

Such an amazing weekend!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Family fun time

Yesterday I spent the evening with my family at the hp picnic. My dad has worked at hewlett-packard for over 25 years and I have many memories of the picnic as a kid. But after awhile they stopped having it, and I believe it was due to funding. I remember having it at thrill-ville one year. Anyway, the last time I went to an hp picnic at hp was when my little brother Bradley was still a baby. It was fun to get together and watch my siblings enjoy the picnic like I did.

And in case anyway was wondering. The fireworks you saw last night was from the picnic as well :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Back packing!

Well I did it. I survived my first back packing trip! This is something that I've been wanting to try every since Tyrel and I started dating. But due to my anxiety and increasing fear of getting attacked by wild animals, I always backed out. Well this time, it was for our 1 year anniversary and I made sure Tyrel didn't let me back out of it. We left early Saturday and came back the next day. We hiked along the Pacific Crest Trail starting near the Dee Wright Observatory and then hiked almost 8 miles to the Washington Ponds near Mt. Washington.

The first part of the trail was through the lava fields, which was actually really cool. It was pretty tough walking through the rocks though after awhile. Once we got through the lava fields it was a normal trial, but both of us were expecting a forest with lots of pretty trees and shade from the sun, but instead we walked through dead trees

Apparently there was a forest fire and it took out all the section of the trees that we happen to be hiking through, so we walked almost 8 miles in the direct sun for 90% of the time. What's even worse is that when we got closer to Mt. Washington lots of logs covered the trail, you couldn't even see it! But we made it to the end and started to set up camp. And that's when the mosquitoes came. Now I was expecting there to be mosquitoes considering we were going to be by a pond, so I packed bug spray. We set up camp but the bugs just kept coming and there were literally swarms of mosquitoes through out our camp site. I constantly sprayed bug spray on both of us but it did NO good. We had to resort to hiding out in our tent for pretty much the rest of the night. Couldn't even enjoy watching the sunset.

The next morning, we were ready to leave and we just packed up our stuff so we could get some relief from the swarming mosquitoes and hiked 2 miles before we stopped to have breakfast. I will admit we booked it out of there haha. The walk back wasn't too bad until we started going up hill and that's where I started struggling. I honestly didn't think I was going to make it back up the mountain. But I'm so lucky to have a wonderful husband you coached me along, making me slow down and take lots of breaks. I will tell you when we got to the top, I felt huge satisfaction that I had made it! The last part of the hike was all down hill which was really nice, because by then I could definitely feel the weight of my pack.

Aside from the swarming mosquitoes I would say this trip went really well. I got to experience what it's like to camp out in the woods while eating freeze dried foods. And learned how important it is to carry extra water. Because we kept getting eaten alive by mosquitoes we never did find water and both of us were pretty much done so we set up camp. I would defiintiely do it again, now that I know what to expect.

Great anniversary hike!

I held my phone outside the tent long enough to get this picture...

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