Sunday, June 22, 2014

Back to the old grind

For awhile I was doing really good about eating right and working out. I woke up early every morning before work so I could get a workout in while following the p90x program. There was no stopping me and everyday the workouts were getting easier and I was getting stronger. I wasn't necessarily losing weight, instead I was going by measurements instead of using the numbers on the scale. Things were going really good, until I got sick. I had just started the 3rd month of p90x but due to having difficulty breathing I had to stop. I was pretty upset because this was the first time in a long time that I wanted to keep going.

Well after recovery from a forever cold, bronchitis and pneumonia it's safe to say that my breathing is slowly starting to go back to "normal." And I say "normal" because I still have asthma but it's always been manageable. Today I decided to take on the outdoors once again and went on a small hike through Chip Ross park. It felt good being able to reach the top, and boy was the view nice!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Braylon's first T-ball game

Last Wednesday was Braylon's first T-ball game. I may not like baseball but T-ball is probably the cutest thing to watch. It up there with kindergarten soccer! A lot of them have no idea what's going on and some of them don't really pay attention. I was able to take some pictures while at the game

Watching a bird, instead of the game

He did really well and had fun playing

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