Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas time!!

My favorite time of the year came to an end yesterday. After work on Christmas Eve, Tyrel and I headed to Corvallis to stay the night at my parents house. We did some Christmas crafts, did some baking and hung out with my adorable little nephew. The next day we woke up early to open present, like we do every year. Santa still shows up at our house, so it's an exciting time.

Pretty happy with all we got and so thankful for everyone who is part of my family. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Christmas crafting

Love this little elf

Baby's first Christmas

Out take of the Christmas photo haha

Such a happy baby

I blinked during the nice photo so we had to use his one... lol

Thank you for all the gifts!

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well my house is officially all decked in Christmas stuff. After recovering from a nasty stomach bug it was nice to get things done this weekend. I'm happy the say the tree is all decorated and the Christmas lights are up! At our new place we had a place to set up Christmas lights outside which I was really excited for, but there is no place to plug them in. Needless to say I was super bummed out. But for now I'm happy with the set up we have now :) begining 

First year using a fake tree

Later that evening and the following day I spent my time watching Bailee's basketball tournament. Unfortunately her team lost all her games, but at least Bailee had fun right? :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Some Thanksgiving pictures

Thanksgiving #2 and #3 were held yesterday. One in Sweet Home, with Tyrel and his family and the other in Corvallis with my family. Good times were had all around and lots of food was eaten. We brought home so many leftovers we will be fed for a week.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did

My nephew's first Thansgiving

Group picture of the kiddos

Mommy and baby

Getting so big!

I almost forgot to mention we did some black Friday shopping this year. We are now happy owners of a ps4!

Making the ps4 made it home safely ;)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Cleaning the new place and a family gathering

This past weekend didn't involve moving anything, or cleaning the old place. Instead it was a weekend where I got to sleep in that didn't involve waking up to an alarm clock. On Saturday I worked on the dinning room. It's not done yet, but it's a start. I'm happy to say that I can at least see the floor now. It's nice being able to walk through the dining room without tripping over stuff


And after!

On Sunday I will admit we did have to wake up early so we could make our way south for a Thanksgiving dinner. Spent some time with Opa and Tyrel's aunt and uncle. We took Oma's ashes to the cemetery and said our final goodbyes.

Afterwards we feasted on delicious food! Such a good weekend. Now I'm just looking forward to the short week and 4 day weekend

Thursday, November 13, 2014

New house

Whew. Got our dryer hooked up and we now have internet! Things are slowly getting unpacked, but still needs a lot of work. This Saturday we will be in Corvallis cleaning up our old place and collecting the last of our things. When this is all done we are doing a massive clean out and getting rid of a bunch of stuff we have collected through out the year. You never realize how much stuff you have until you move I guess. What's nice is that this place is bigger so we have a spare bedroom we can still walk through even with the pile of stuff. It's also two stories so now I have to get use to walking up and down stairs. I haven't taken any pictures of the new place yet because our house is currently a disaster. Some day this house will be normal and I can walk through my dining room without tripping over stuff.

What's nice about this place is my commute to work only takes 15 minutes which means I don't have to get up so early in the morning. After class Ty can come right home afterwards and not commute so long. I'm really glad we decided to move before the weather gets really bad. I can't even imagine driving down I 5 in ice and snow. What a nightmare! Anyway I look forward to the day when our house is in order but I think that will have to wait until the keys are returned to our old place

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Let the moving begin!

Well on Sunday morning we headed up to Salem to sign the papers for our new place! We took some boxes with us and already started loading stuff in as the week goes. It's going to be really nice being closer to where we work and not have to commute so much. Tyrel was doing the math earlier and we calculated that we spend about $300 a week just on gas! Anyways we also drove around a little bit since we want to get know the town. While driving I noticed some things I will have to get use to, like how there is more traffic to deal with, but being a bigger city it kind of makes sense. Also Salem has some weird intersections. They are very confusing and if you are in the wrong lane you will most likely exit the street and go the other direction. Other then that it should be fun living there. I've lived in Corvallis pretty much my whole life so it really is a whole new chapter in my life. Lots more choices of stores and things to explore. Saturday is our official move in date where we will rent a u haul and load all of our stuff in one trip.

Salem here we come!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Busy weekend

Every year for Halloween Tyrel and I work many hours carving multiple pumpkins. Well this year we aren't really feeling the Halloween spirit. We are in the process of moving (finally) and don't really have the extra money to buy a bunch of pumpkins. I went to the pumpkin patch with my kiddos and was able to pick up a pumpkin while there. It also didn't help that we didn't have much time to carve either. We always wait until like the weekend before Halloween to carve pumpkins otherwise your pumpkin goes bad. Well we only had the Saturday to carve pumpkins because on Sunday we headed south for a memorial service for Tyrel's grandma. 

Next weekend we sign paperwork for our new place, which is exciting. Unfortunately it's on Sunday so that probably means we wont get to move in until the follow weekend. Oh well at least we found a place right?

Carving #1
Carving #2

Tyrel's carving #1

Tyrel's carving #2

Rest in Peace Oma

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Birthday celebration

Finally got him to smile!

Getting a strong neck

He likes his tongue

Mama and baby :)

Ok first of all, I have the cutest nephew ever! He smiles a lot and started cooing. And if you couldn't tell in my picture, he is getting really good holding his head up. The more I hang out with him, the more he resemables my little brother when he was a baby. Earlier this week my sister posted a photo like this on facebook:

                                    Little brother as a baby on the left, my nephew on the right

I don't know about you but I definitely see a resemblance. Speaking of little brother, we celebrated his 6th birthday last night with pizza and cupcakes. We may be 22 years apart but we are still pretty close. I love taking to him fun events like my school carnival and the toy store.

Birthday boy

Such a goof ball
Update on apartment searching: I finally found a place that I liked and I'm turning in an application tomorrow morning. It's a cute little townhouse in south Salem, really close to Winco. Fingers crossed we get approved! (which by how it sounds, that shouldn't be too hard)

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