Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Always something
I swear I just can't ever get a freaking break! I'm currently icing my foot after standing and walking around all day at work. And yes I wore tennis shoes. I've been feeling on and off heel pain for the past couple of months. It was in both of me feet and then went away. It later came back 10 times worse but only in my left foot. I noticed it started getting really swollen at the end of the day and the pain increased tremendously when I slipped at work. Worried I did something, I went into urgent care Thursday night and I did an x-ray. Only to find out that it's plantar fasciitis. Honestly I would have rather it been some sort of fracture, knowing that it would heal in 6 weeks.
But of course, lets just add to the list of chronic issues I have and one more thing that's putting me further away from my weight loss. First I found out that I have slower then normal metabolism so I had to cut my calories even less. Not really a magic pill I can take to boost metabolism of course, although I wish it were that easy. And then of course there was my sleep study I had to do that led to shocking and unexpected results. And due to my crappy nights sleep I've been getting that just makes my body hold on to fat even more, not to mention it makes me too damn tired to want to do anything.
All these things keep piling up on me. It's like life is throwing everything they have at me to prevent me from losing weight! So much frustration going on. Normally this is where I would just throw my hands in the air and wave the white flag and surrender. But I'm not letting it get to me. This is just nearly a speed bump in the long process of my weight loss. This will only make me stronger and more determined then ever.
I. Will. Win. This. Battle.
But of course, lets just add to the list of chronic issues I have and one more thing that's putting me further away from my weight loss. First I found out that I have slower then normal metabolism so I had to cut my calories even less. Not really a magic pill I can take to boost metabolism of course, although I wish it were that easy. And then of course there was my sleep study I had to do that led to shocking and unexpected results. And due to my crappy nights sleep I've been getting that just makes my body hold on to fat even more, not to mention it makes me too damn tired to want to do anything.
All these things keep piling up on me. It's like life is throwing everything they have at me to prevent me from losing weight! So much frustration going on. Normally this is where I would just throw my hands in the air and wave the white flag and surrender. But I'm not letting it get to me. This is just nearly a speed bump in the long process of my weight loss. This will only make me stronger and more determined then ever.
I. Will. Win. This. Battle.
Monday, September 17, 2012
One year later
Been meaning to write this post since Tuesday, but work has kept busy with working extra hours and in all different classrooms. I also had the wonderful opportunity to go through a sleep study, but more on that. I will write this as if I were writing it 6 days ago...
Tuesday, September 11th 2011- 12:30am
It was a Saturday night. I just got done spending time with some of Tyrel's friends at the bowling alley. Fun times, good laughs, over all good night. That night Ty and I had taken separate cars, Ty went first and I followed behind. I was sitting in the left turn lane at the corner of 9th street and Walnut, about to turn left onto Walnut. And then it happened... (seriously felt like time had slowed down)
My light turned green and I was about to take my foot off the break pedal getting ready to press on the accelerator, but something didn't feel right. I saw a car coming up very fast on Walnut, looking like they weren't going to stop, and sure enough she didn't. She kept on driving right through the middle of the intersection and then slammed on her breaks. I continued sitting there wondering what the hell she was doing when she suddenly turned her car sharply to the right, and her headlights faced mine and she kept on driving... Instinct kicked in and I grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, horn on the other and gasped for a breath. Her car hit mine, my neck and head flung forward. She then put her car in reverse and drove off. Just after her driving off, I see a police car drive past me as well with the lights flashing.
Still in shock I continued to sit there. My light was still green, but I did not move. Seconds went by, minutes, hours (ok not really, but it sure did feel like it) My mind was racing with questions. Did that really just happen? Am I dreaming? Should I follow the cop? Do I pull over to the side? Did that REALLY just happen??! My brain went back to reality and I did a u turn and pulled off to the side of the road. I checked the damage to my car. Not bad. Got back in my car and drove to where the cop had pulled the driver over, which happened to be in a parking lot. The cop came over to make sure I was ok and informed me the young girl had been drinking and was doing a sobriety test. Still shaking I call both Ty and mom and they meet me at the scence. In the end you can probably guess how it ended. She was hauled off to jail and I was able to walk away from the most terrify experience, with minor damages to my car and no injures (or so I thought)
Little did I know that the next 8 months would be a living hell. 24 hours later, I felt like I got hit by a truck. Couldn't move my neck and a headache so bad I could barley think. I was diagnosed with whip lass and I spent the next 4 months doing therapy, all while trying to move out an apartment, move and continue my lifestyle at work. Too make things worse, the person who hit me was fighting the system. She was bailed out of jail, hired an attorney and pleaded not guilty. They tried to offer money to me, so the charges could be dropped. They thought I was faking the pain the I was in. She felt she didn't do anything wrong and because no one was seriously hurt, she should be let off easy. I can tell you now, that did not go well with me at all. I was not going to let her work the system just because she had money. She needed to take consequences for her actions. This is a person who drank enough alcohol to make her blood alcohol level a 0.17, and was stupid enough to get in a car and drive. And to make things worse, SHE WAS 19 YEARS OLD! I went through 8 months of showing up to court which finally led to final verdict: a DUII, reckless driving, and hit and run. Closure finally came to the case and I could feel better knowing once less stupid person was off the road.
But this of course was just the beginning. Even after physical therapy was done, I suffered great psychological issues as well. Not only did I get constant headaches and neck aches, I had increased anxiety during the day. I had trouble sleeping and had horrible nightmares and happened on a daily basis. I had a hard time getting behind the wheel and driving, especially at night and often had to limit myself to driving to places. Things got easier after time, but after this accident I had to change my whole lifestyle. And even after one year later, I can still remember that night like it happened yesterday. It's something I have to live with the rest of life and has made me more cautious while driving. I am so thankful for my life and for the fact that not only me but the other driver as well was able to walk away from this accident. It could have been much worse and I'm sure all of us have heard stories of similar situations ending in severe injuries or often death. I'm also very thankful for the sheriff who witnessed it all! Had it not been for him, she would have kept on driving, putting not only herself, but others at risk.
I know people hate hearing this, but this is a message that needs to be spread: Please DO NOT drink and drive. It is not worth the risk of yours and other peoples lives. No matter the distance you are driving that night, you should not get into a car and drive after you have been drinking. I have never drove a car after drinking, and I don't ever plan too. Just don't do it. I really hope the person who hit me has learned a valuable lesson, and will hopefully think twice before getting in a car after drinking.
Tuesday, September 11th 2011- 12:30am
It was a Saturday night. I just got done spending time with some of Tyrel's friends at the bowling alley. Fun times, good laughs, over all good night. That night Ty and I had taken separate cars, Ty went first and I followed behind. I was sitting in the left turn lane at the corner of 9th street and Walnut, about to turn left onto Walnut. And then it happened... (seriously felt like time had slowed down)
My light turned green and I was about to take my foot off the break pedal getting ready to press on the accelerator, but something didn't feel right. I saw a car coming up very fast on Walnut, looking like they weren't going to stop, and sure enough she didn't. She kept on driving right through the middle of the intersection and then slammed on her breaks. I continued sitting there wondering what the hell she was doing when she suddenly turned her car sharply to the right, and her headlights faced mine and she kept on driving... Instinct kicked in and I grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, horn on the other and gasped for a breath. Her car hit mine, my neck and head flung forward. She then put her car in reverse and drove off. Just after her driving off, I see a police car drive past me as well with the lights flashing.
Still in shock I continued to sit there. My light was still green, but I did not move. Seconds went by, minutes, hours (ok not really, but it sure did feel like it) My mind was racing with questions. Did that really just happen? Am I dreaming? Should I follow the cop? Do I pull over to the side? Did that REALLY just happen??! My brain went back to reality and I did a u turn and pulled off to the side of the road. I checked the damage to my car. Not bad. Got back in my car and drove to where the cop had pulled the driver over, which happened to be in a parking lot. The cop came over to make sure I was ok and informed me the young girl had been drinking and was doing a sobriety test. Still shaking I call both Ty and mom and they meet me at the scence. In the end you can probably guess how it ended. She was hauled off to jail and I was able to walk away from the most terrify experience, with minor damages to my car and no injures (or so I thought)
Little did I know that the next 8 months would be a living hell. 24 hours later, I felt like I got hit by a truck. Couldn't move my neck and a headache so bad I could barley think. I was diagnosed with whip lass and I spent the next 4 months doing therapy, all while trying to move out an apartment, move and continue my lifestyle at work. Too make things worse, the person who hit me was fighting the system. She was bailed out of jail, hired an attorney and pleaded not guilty. They tried to offer money to me, so the charges could be dropped. They thought I was faking the pain the I was in. She felt she didn't do anything wrong and because no one was seriously hurt, she should be let off easy. I can tell you now, that did not go well with me at all. I was not going to let her work the system just because she had money. She needed to take consequences for her actions. This is a person who drank enough alcohol to make her blood alcohol level a 0.17, and was stupid enough to get in a car and drive. And to make things worse, SHE WAS 19 YEARS OLD! I went through 8 months of showing up to court which finally led to final verdict: a DUII, reckless driving, and hit and run. Closure finally came to the case and I could feel better knowing once less stupid person was off the road.
But this of course was just the beginning. Even after physical therapy was done, I suffered great psychological issues as well. Not only did I get constant headaches and neck aches, I had increased anxiety during the day. I had trouble sleeping and had horrible nightmares and happened on a daily basis. I had a hard time getting behind the wheel and driving, especially at night and often had to limit myself to driving to places. Things got easier after time, but after this accident I had to change my whole lifestyle. And even after one year later, I can still remember that night like it happened yesterday. It's something I have to live with the rest of life and has made me more cautious while driving. I am so thankful for my life and for the fact that not only me but the other driver as well was able to walk away from this accident. It could have been much worse and I'm sure all of us have heard stories of similar situations ending in severe injuries or often death. I'm also very thankful for the sheriff who witnessed it all! Had it not been for him, she would have kept on driving, putting not only herself, but others at risk.
I know people hate hearing this, but this is a message that needs to be spread: Please DO NOT drink and drive. It is not worth the risk of yours and other peoples lives. No matter the distance you are driving that night, you should not get into a car and drive after you have been drinking. I have never drove a car after drinking, and I don't ever plan too. Just don't do it. I really hope the person who hit me has learned a valuable lesson, and will hopefully think twice before getting in a car after drinking.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Busy bee...
This week just flew by! Work as been keeping me busy lately with it being the end of the year and kids leaving for kindergarten. Also, since we have been so low in numbers I've been bouncing around from classroom to classroom. Been on my feet a lot and they are starting to feel the burden. This weekend was even busy as it consisted with a playdate, wedding and of course Shrewsbury!
So on Wednesday mynot so little sister turned 10. (yikes) So on Friday I took her and my little brother to Yougurt extreme! And then they came over to my house. While there, Braylon and I took off to the park, and Bailee stayed with Ty and played video games. She tells me that going to the park isn't as fun anymore... in other words she is growing up! (double yikes)
Saturday Tyrel and I packed 3 other people into his car and we headed to Canby where we went to wedding. It was a nice ceremony. Going to weddings always brings a bunch of emotions to the surface and Tyrel and I couldn't stop talking about what our wedding is going to be like. Needless to say it definitely isn't going to be your same old traditional wedding, but more on that later :)
Today was probably one of my favorite days. The day of the annual Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire! I went to this event for the first time 2 years ago. And it's something I want to be part of now every year. I work one of the booths with Tyrel's "family" and get to go in for free! It's fun dressing up, looking around at all the shops and watching the events. Because of the wedding on Saturday we were only able to go one day. In the past we spent all weekend, but sadly we weren't able to do that this year
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I know I did
So on Wednesday my
Saturday Tyrel and I packed 3 other people into his car and we headed to Canby where we went to wedding. It was a nice ceremony. Going to weddings always brings a bunch of emotions to the surface and Tyrel and I couldn't stop talking about what our wedding is going to be like. Needless to say it definitely isn't going to be your same old traditional wedding, but more on that later :)
The cutest little wedding cake |
So many desert choices... |
These were delicious! |
Today was probably one of my favorite days. The day of the annual Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire! I went to this event for the first time 2 years ago. And it's something I want to be part of now every year. I work one of the booths with Tyrel's "family" and get to go in for free! It's fun dressing up, looking around at all the shops and watching the events. Because of the wedding on Saturday we were only able to go one day. In the past we spent all weekend, but sadly we weren't able to do that this year
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I know I did
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Fall is in the air
Is it just me, or does it seem like summer goes by way too fast?! It's already the beginning of September and the leaves are already starting to change colors! I love fall! Now if only the weather wasn't so hot...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Beach adventure!
I don't know if anybody knew or if you could tell but I am obsessed with absolutely love the beach! I talk about going there all the time and often wished I lived on the beach. In fact I've already decided that I'm getting married on the beach and when I retire, I'm buying a beach house and everyday I can look out my window and see the beach and watch the waves splash...
Moving on. Our trip started with getting a flat tire. We didn't notice it until we got all checked into our site and had set the tent up. Last year it was a flat air bed and now this? Really hoping this isn't becoming a tradition.
Thank goodnees Tyrel had a spare tire and thanks to his quick thinking and mad skills, he was able to fix the problem!
The weather was gorgeous on the beach. Sun shining, not a cloud in the sky! We walked a lot on the beach, enjoying the scenery and picking up collectables we could find. We also visted the bay front and did a lot of walking there as well. 5 hours to be exact. By the time we reached the last shop we spent maybe 2 mintues inside before we decided to turn around and walk back to our car. My feet and back hurt and I was exahusted but it was all worth it.
After a wonderful weekend it was hard coming back. Happy labor day everyone!
Moving on. Our trip started with getting a flat tire. We didn't notice it until we got all checked into our site and had set the tent up. Last year it was a flat air bed and now this? Really hoping this isn't becoming a tradition.
Thank goodnees Tyrel had a spare tire and thanks to his quick thinking and mad skills, he was able to fix the problem!
The weather was gorgeous on the beach. Sun shining, not a cloud in the sky! We walked a lot on the beach, enjoying the scenery and picking up collectables we could find. We also visted the bay front and did a lot of walking there as well. 5 hours to be exact. By the time we reached the last shop we spent maybe 2 mintues inside before we decided to turn around and walk back to our car. My feet and back hurt and I was exahusted but it was all worth it.
After a wonderful weekend it was hard coming back. Happy labor day everyone!
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View from the window at the restaurant! |
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