Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Last minute thoughts
My one year anniversary of working with my current company is coming up. It's interesting looking back at how much things have changed. How much I've grown and learned as a teacher and how a certain group of kids can have a huge effect on your classroom environment.
Lately I've been struggling and having a hard time dealing with some of the kids in my class. I reached my breaking point a couple of weeks ago and I almost came to a point where I thought I was doing something wrong. Well today, things went differently. Some changes were made and there is someone new working with me in the classroom. I admit I was a little worried about the reactions the kids would have about a new face in the classroom but they did amazing!
Days like today make me realize that all my hard work has finally paid off. My what I thought were failed attempts of classroom management pulled though. Having a new face in the classroom helped me regained my confidence as a teacher. I'm adjusting to the change and look forward to the future!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Bullying: A REAL problem
I'm not sure if I'm actually going to watch this movie, it's looks sad and depressing but at the same time really important. Bullying is a huge problem these days, and it seems to continue to be ignored. Growing up I remember their being problems of kids picking on each other. It would happen, right there in front of the teacher or principal and they would simply just turn the other way, like nothing had happen. I always felt a sense of anger. How could they just ignore it? And the teacher they show in the video, "they are as good as gold," using the same excuse as boys will be boys, and they are just cruel at this age. Well I'm not buying it!
When I was a kid. I was the one that stood up for the other kids being picked on. I made friends with "the loner" who was always by himself. I stopped the behavior. I stood up to the silence. It was sad to see that their weren't very many people that stood with me, even my friends. I was made fun of myself because I was friends with what was known as "the losers" to most people.
It's really sad to see this kind of stuff being ignored and brushed off like it's no big deal. I see this stuff happen in my class of 4 and 5 year olds. Not on MY watch. As soon as I see even the slightest amount of teasing, I stop it. Kids need to know that this type of behavior is not ok! And I make sure they do!
Seeing this has caused me to think and do more research on it. A way to prevent bullying from happening. Some sort of anti-bullying program schools can use. I don't know if schools already something like this, but I'm definitely interested in looking into it and looking up more information about it. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, let me know. I would love to be a part it, to help make a difference in the world.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The countdown
These reasons are why I requested time off work, and am taking a mini action with Tyrel. It's hard taking time off work, but I've been struggling. My body is starting to shut down, and I need to listen to it. And so the countdown has begun.
6 more days... until I get days off and no more worries. I get an ocean front view and wake up to this:
Needless to say my brain is already in vacation mode. Longest week ever!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Working out... can be fun!
I had bought it just yesterday and with it came a game called kinect adventures. I started playing and in a matter of minutes I was sweating up a storm! I played for about an hour, and found it hard to stop playing. Who knew that you could get a workout from playing video games. Of course that's probably not what it was intended for, but hey it works. You can have multi-player as well!
The thing I like about it too is that it takes pictures while you play.
My favorite one's are of me in the air :)
Anyway, I'm pretty satisfied with this recent purchase and my next goal is to buy the Your Shape™ : Fitness Evolved 2012. And I'm sort of interested in the Zumba one as well. So that's all for now. I better get going, have a long week ahead of me. Only 10 more days until vacation time!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Rumors cleared
The reason why I had made the sign was because I needed to know if Tyrel ever wanted to get married (again.) Lately I've been making subtle hints about wanting to get married. The first one being the first sign I made and the other one being this sign I left for him the next morning:
You can guess what the day means but basically it's the date I'd like to be married by. We talked about it and both of us decided that sounded like a reasonable date.
When I woke up this morning there was a note left on the white board for me telling me to turn on Tyrel's computer and look though the internet tabs open. I looked and to my surprise they were rings. I think he's starting to catch on :)
Anyway to concluded this post, Tyrel and I are NOT engaged, regardless of what everyone else says.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy....uh, hallmark dedication day?
Yeah it's a little cheezy, but I figured what the heck? Haha. Tyrel thought it was cute and of course he said yes tee hee.
Anyway I went to work like nothing special. Typical crazy Tuesday. The only thing different about it was having a special Valentine party. I was given so many sweets and treats I wont want to eat junk food for a week... Ok, maybe not but you get the idea.
I think the best present I received today was the one from my little 3 year old brother
My mom said they went to the store and he specifically picked it out himself. What a sweet little boy he is! (well most of the time haha) Anyway, it was definitely a pick me up after a not so good day at work. I finished the night with some delicious comfort food and candy hearts from my mom for dessert!
I hope this post doesn't come across as negative. I may sound like the Valentine Grinch, but really I love all the holidays. I dress up, decorate and paint my nails for the occasion. I have nothing against you for celebrating it, I just don't see the point of it I guess.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
My offical new beginning
Anyway, that's not really the whole reason why I'm writing this. I've started running again. In my 3rd failed attempt at loosing weight I've decided (for real this time) that enough is enough. I'm determined to lose weight. I want to look good in my clothes again. I want to wear a cute outfit and feel self-conscious about my tummy sticking out.
I am ready for a new ME!
Friday, February 10, 2012
I need more followers!
I only have 5. Makes me kind of sad... I'm proud of my blog and my writings and I would love more people and readers
Monday, February 6, 2012
Super bowl: half time show
Now I don't know if any of you saw the half time show. If you didn't well here's the video:
I was a little surprised to see Madonna up on stage, but I was quite impressed with her dance moves. She is in her 50s and has more dance moves and coordination then I have! Sure she may have lip synced, and her new song is... well not so great. But everything was fine. I've heard mixed feelings about the half time show and was wondering what other people may have thought about it.
I feel that for all the people that are hating, I would like see you get on stage and do a 12 minute dance performance
Saturday, February 4, 2012
One amazing story
This happened on TAM airlines.
A 50-something year old white woman arrived at her seat and saw that the passenger next to her was a black man. Visibly furious, she called the air hostess.
"What's the problem, ma?" the hostess asked her
"Can't you see?" the lady said - "I was given a seat next to a black man. I can't seat here next to him. You have to change my seat"
- "Please, calm down, ma" - said the hostess
"Unfortunately, all the seats are occupied, but I'm still going to check if we have any."
The hostess left and returned some minutes later.
"Madam, as I told you, there isn't any empty seat in this class- economy class.
But I spoke to the captain and he confirmed that there isn't any empty seats in the economy class. We only have seats in the first class."
And before the woman said anything, the hostess continued
"Look, it is unusual for our company to allow a passenger from the economy class change to the first class.
However, given the circumstances, the commandant thinks that it would be a scandal to make a passenger travel sat next to an unpleasant person."
And turning to the black man, the hostess said:
"Which means, Sir, if you would be so nice to pack your handbag, we have reserved you a seat in the first class..."
And all the passengers nearby, who were shocked to see the scene started applauding, some standing on their feet."
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: camera tricks
I like to take pictures. No importantly I like taking pictures of random things and mess with the settings to make it look cool. Anyway here's what happens when I get bored haha

Blog Archive
- Wordless Wednesday: Story of my life :)
- Last minute thoughts
- Bullying: A REAL problem
- The countdown
- Wordless Wednesday: Something to think about
- Working out... can be fun!
- Rumors cleared
- Wordless Wednesday: A Valentine Gift
- Happy....uh, hallmark dedication day?
- My offical new beginning
- I need more followers!
- Super bowl: half time show
- One amazing story
- Wordless Wednesday: camera tricks