Friday, September 30, 2011

25 years

"25 years ago at 6:48 pm, Miss Brynna Lynn Crampton (Brynna Crampton) came into our lives. She is an awesome big sister, wonderful daughter, (not counting the year she was 5 and 18!), and now she is a beautiful young woman! Love you lots!!! xoxo"

So Yesterday was my birthday and my mom posted that wonderful status on her facebook page for me. I'm 25 years old, and I don't feel any older. I took a half day at work and then got ready for people to come over.

I got all dressed up for the occasion!

Of course my favorite part about dressing up were my red shoes that my boyfriend bought me as a birthday present!

It was a good birthday. Tomorrow my boyfriend and I are going to lunch and then have having dinner with my family.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Counting down the days

So I am super stressed out right now. I'm tired of dealing with the insurance company to fill out paper work, the phone calls, and meeting with the other insurance causing me to miss more work. I'm tired of being disrespected and unappreciated. I'm tired of the neck pain and headaches. I rolled my ankle when I went to check my mail. Ouch

To top it off, I have to clean out my entire apartment by Friday. That in it's self is a task because I'm still recovering from my accident so I can only do so much because my neck and back start hurting me if I do too much. Plus my birthday is in two days and I need to finish cleaning my current apartment because I'm having people over at me house.

On a more positive note here is a random photo to enjoy:

*End rant*

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And life goes on...

A lot can happen in a week in a half.

The day before Swrewsberry I was in a small accident. But I didn't let that stop me from enjoying myself, even if I was only able to go for one day.

Henna has become my new thing. I don't know what is about it, but I find the art and the background of it so cool!

Later that day I was not feeling so hot... Very stiff neck, bad headache, dizziness and sick to my stomach. Went to the doctor the next day to find out I have a bad case of whip lass. Went the chiropractor and am now bound to 2 months of chiropractic work, massage and muscle physical therapy.

Last weekend I moved into a new apartment, with Tyrel doing all the work and I put up my really cool lamp I bought in Joesph during our trip to Wallowa Lake.

And even through all the pain and stress, I'm trying to stay positive about the whole situation: My car gets fixed and all medical expenses are payed for and not a penny comes out of my pocket.


... And after!
They even took the time to clean it out and wash it for me :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A lesson learned

In case you haven't already heard, I was in an accident over the weekend. It happened late Saturday, or more like early Sunday at about 12:30 in the morning. I had just finished up at the bowling alley with Tyrel and some of his friends. We didn't stay long, and soon after I was on my way home. Tyrel and I were in separate cars and as he drove ahead me, I lingered behind.

And that's when it happened. I was on 9th street sitting in the left turn lane to turn left on to Walnut Blvd. I had a green light and was about to go but then immediately chose not to because that's when I saw a car driving that was driving on Walnut. She drove right through her red light. She was about half way through the intersection when she decided to turn right, at which point she was facing me and continued driving, hitting me head on. I continued to sit there with my horn blaring. The girl then backed up, and continued to drive away. To my surprise, the next thing I see is a cop with his lights flashing, who had just witnessed the whole thing.

I still continued to sit there. Luckily no one was behind me because I seriously sat there for about a minute with the question of "What the hell just happened?!" I didn't know what to do. The cops chased after the girl that hit me, should I follow them? Should I get out and look at the damage? After awhile I gained my composure turned around and pulled over. I looked at my car, not seeing much damage, and picked up my phone to call Tyrel. I then continued to drive and drove to the location where the cops had pulled the girl over. Needless to say she was sited with a DUII, reckless driving, and failure to perform driver duties (Leaving the scene of an accident) and then taken to jail.

The next day day I started experiencing soreness, a stiff neck and dizziness. I'm still in quite amount of pain, and I'm dealing with getting a hold of insurance, filing a claim and following up the events of the accident. An annoying process but I'm glad it's getting taken care of. I keep rendering through that night. I'm glad I waited when I saw her coming, because if I had gone she could have T-boned me. I'm very lucky the cop was sitting there, saved me the trouble of needing to chase her down myself. I don't understand what was going through her mind to make her think she was able to drive after she had been drinking. I hope she is charged with a huge fine and has her driver license taken away.

The moral of this story should be obvious: DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!
It's not worth the risk of causing an accident. I'm lucky that I was able to walk away from this accident because I know there are people out there who are killed in accidents like this. There should be no accuse. If you have been drinking, don't get behind the wheel.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Goodbye is not forever

On Saturday I spent the afternoon visiting Michael's cross on highway 99. The goal was to re-decorate it and make it look nice. His mom had just painted blue so we were going to use white paint to write his name on it. So me, Michael's parents, his brother, and Katy went over to Michaels (the craft store of course. Seems so weird saying it though...) While there we noticed all of the Halloween decorations that were already out, and that's when the ideas came to mind. Michael LOVED Halloween. It was one of his favorite holidays. So what better way to remember him then paint his cross orange and black? So that's exactly what we did :)

The end result!

It turned out really good. I do have the creative touch but I'm no where near artistic, so the fact that I was able to pull this off, I was really proud! As it gets closer to Halloween we want to do more to it. Like find some Halloween ribbon or streamers and hang them off of it. I want to carve a pumpkin since that's something Michael and I did last year. We just want to be able to honor him and remember him in a good way. We even have ideas about what we are going to do for his birthday and Christmas :)

Overall it was a good experience and it was a nice day to think back about the whole situation. I really miss Micahel, but I'm always constantly thinking about him.

Monday, September 5, 2011

25 in 24 days

I'm turning 25 years old at the end of this month. It's amazing how much things can change. 5 years ago I never imagined I would be where I am now. My goal in life was to be married and at least start thinking about having kids by the time I turned 25. It's obvious to see that I'm nowhere close to that.

It's always interesting looking back on your life. The choices you made reflect on who you are as a person. And even though I thought I would be married by now, I'm glad that I'm not because I would be married to an emotionally and mentally abusive a--hole. Being in that broken relationship made me realize what I strong person I really am and with the love and support of family and friends you can get through anything.

I had a hard time adjusting though when I started my new relationship in the summer of 2010. I felt impatient, ready to move on to the next step in my relationship, even though we had only been dating for 6 months. I felt like I had to start completely over and it set back my dreams and hope.

Luckily my mindset of things has changed. I realized it's not a big deal that I'm not married yet. (Even though everyone else around me is getting married!) It's good to take a step back, slow down . So now I'm currently enjoying life and looking forward to moving in with Tyrel. Will we get married? Hopefully someday

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